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How would a war with Germany look in 2012?

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All the Germans would have to do is stop exports of all Mercs, Beemers and Audis to the UK along with a freeze on spare parts supplies.

The upper classes and the well offs would soon find themselves having to drive around in Fiats and Rovers which would cause a tremendous outcry. They would rise up en masse depose the government and seek surrender terms with Angela Merkel

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If we had to stand up to the Teutonic Hordes, yet again, no problem ! In fact------bring it

on, man ! First of all, the old 'uns and the millions of our disabled and those too immature to fight [ i.e. those under 25 years ] would form a modern version of Dad s Army. Subject to Health & Safety regs. we would grapple with Merkel 's marauders as soon as they set foot in Dover.


Our heroic Youf who proved so gallant and heroic in the recent War for London would be attacking from the air and sea with all of our 3 aircraft and 4 ships. There would be no mercy shown. Of course any deaths or wounding would be immediately investigated by the U.N. Committee on Human Rights & Playing Fair in the Battlefield. Our tough lads, raised by the i-pod and trained in Dismissal Procedure, Equality for Everybody and non-competitive Sports would make mincemeat of the enemy.


Our super-dooper computers and fantastic levels of education would ensure smooth communication and 100 % co-ordination, such as we have seen in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Yes, so, let 's get to work lads and lasses and others too. Get those uniforms pressed, polish those boots and those baldy heads, kiss Mr. Cameron 's Photograph and let 's get it over with ! Rule Britannia !!


Aye you nearly had me out of me chair then:D

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Britain would probably struggle to do another Falklands at the moment, we dont have anything like as many destroyers as we used to. I wouldn't be suprised if Spain fancied a pop at reclaiming Gibraltar.


It wont be Spain, dont be silly.

Gib and Spain are the next ones one the agenda for the Arab Spring.

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As Germany will be the main player in Europe (and they should be) I can see them forcing the UK to follow policys that will ruin the country, environmental policys would be the obvious one.

Given how well the Germans have run their economy since 1945 and how catastrophically badly ours has been mismanaged, I'd welcome them in Westminster.

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