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So, did you take dripping Sandwiches to work?


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used to take black pud to work and toast it in front of furnace one guy who swore he woulnt eat it was saying how nice it smelt so i gave him some on a half breadcake to try.he had toasted black dag about 3 times a week after that

dont knock it till youve tried it

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I didn t take them to work but Old Joe who was my workmate did.


He had them for his morning Biting On, he never had anything else.


Every morning he would open his snap bag and as soon as he saw it was dripping he wpuld complain bitterly, Oh No! Not bread and dripping, ageean.


One morning I told him to stop complaining to us at work and complain to his wife.


His reply was, "Its no good complaining to her, as I pack missen up every morning,

Ive been making bread and dripping sandwiches forwork for the past 40 years".


Happy Days! PopT

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I didn t take them to work but Old Joe who was my workmate did.


He had them for his morning "Biting On", he never brought anything else.


Every morning he would open his snap bag and as soon as he saw it was dripping he would complain bitterly, Oh No! Not bread and dripping, ageean.


One morning I told him to stop complaining to us at work and complain to his wife.


His reply was, "Its no good complaining to her, as I pack missen up every morning,

Ive been making bread and dripping sandwiches for work for the past 40 years".


Happy Days! PopT

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I was brought up on bread and dripping...lovely stuff.

Dad, now 86, often says "fancy some bread and dripping" when I visit.

"With plenty of salt" yes please....


My son in law thinks it's grotesque...but then he ain't from round here and ain't tried it.

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Templeborough Works Canteen, as a bus conductor coming out of the house without anything to eat, our first stop after the first trip was Templeborough turnround, a sprint round to the canteen for a mug of tea & 3 rounds of bread & dripping with brown on, I can still taste them now.

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Who remembers the old homemade oven cakes.


Mrs Taylor who lived on Grant road was an ace at making them.


As soon as they were set on the towel to stand on the kitchen window sill to cool we would hang about waiting for her to ask us if we wanted to try a slice.


She would put the dripping onto the warm ovencakes and the dripping would melt into the holes in the surface.


If G-d made anything bette,r then he kept it for hissen.


Happy Days! PopT

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