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So, did you take dripping Sandwiches to work?


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i was posher than that,i bought from rogers sarnie shop on Upper Allan st unless i was on the twice daily sandwhich run which all apprentices did then, and got a free one. Not only did apprentices fetch the sarnies and dinners,but swept the floors , and made the tea.Makingthe tea followed me all my working life in different jobs. I used to say i was the best tea lad in Sheffield!:hihi:

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From when I first started work in January 1961 to 1972 when I started at a place with a canteen, I had four slices of bread and dripping every day for my morning break. Mind you we used to eat healthily back then.


Anybody else who used to take dripping sandwiches to work? :hihi::hihi:


I bought a thick crust with dripping and picalilly every day the lady who served me said she had only ever heard of one more person to ask for that guess what, it was my son.

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I used to love dripping sandwiches. The best dripping you could get was from a stall in the castle market. It came in little polystyrene tubs and was all mushed up with the dark meat juicey jelly stuff mixed with the fat!! Very tasty, but had a tendency to provoke an immediate heart attack after eating! I'm far too sensible to touch the stuff nowadays.

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I recall going to a wedding in the late fifties. At the reception, the tables were groaning with food, but I didn't want any of that posh stuff. Asked what I did want I said bread and dripping.


I got it too (the reception was an at home do)


On the way home my mum complained that I had showed her up.


I'd love one now, but I'm trying to watch my weight.

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You will see that I no longer live in Sheffield. However, I am returning in a couple of weeks and staying with family near Crystal Peaks (I lived on Harwood Gardens for 25 years so I know Crystal Peaks very well). Can I assume you a referring to a stall in the market (towards the back) - if so (or if not) can you name the premises you use please. There are many things I miss living in the East and dripping sandwiches are near the top of the list - I have to gorge myself for the few months I will be back home.


Hi just as you go into market there is a little bakery on lefthand side

absolute top class dripping

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