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So, did you take dripping Sandwiches to work?


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i was posher than that,i bought from rogers sarnie shop on Upper Allan st unless i was on the twice daily sandwhich run which all apprentices did then, and got a free one. Not only did apprentices fetch the sarnies and dinners,but swept the floors , and made the tea.Makingthe tea followed me all my working life in different jobs. I used to say i was the best tea lad in Sheffield!:hihi:


I too got mine from Rogers shop on Upper Allen Street,if i had the money i would ask for it on French .


Before that i got them from his brother Erics shop on Matilda Street,when i worked at Thomas A Ashtons Ltd.


Happy Days............. Now im wanting one :hihi:

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Worked at BISRA Hoyle Street in the late 60's & 70's. We had a tea trolley that came round morning & afternoon which sold wonderful dripping cakes & there was a really big salt cellar for you to use.

What a memory - was it unhealthy - maybe but they were lovely !!!!


I worked as a telephone engineer in the late 70's and early 80's and we used to sort out phone problems at BISRA (British Iron and Steel Research Assocoiation or something like that), we had a room with the old electro magnetic telephone exchange underneath reception (in a basement almost), we used to pop over to a sandwhich shop at Shalesmoor, near Brook Shaw's, and get a mug of tea and a dripping cake, lovely!

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MMMM WANt A DRIPPING SANDWICH NOW !!!! The best ever ones i had were at my first job in the restaurant at the B & C Co Op on Angel St in 1974. We had coffee break at abut 10 with crusty baps loaded with the dripping from the roast meats. My hubby used to get his from Butlers when it was a sarnie place around the same time. We have passed our love of dripping down the family onto our son. He was home from LA at Christmas and went to Beres THREE times while he was home !!. The last time to collect a HUGE bag of pork sandwiches, potted meat , dripping , pork pie and Hendos to take down to his girlfriends family in London who he's introduced to the delights of Yorkshire cuisine .

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From when I first started work in January 1961 to 1972 when I started at a place with a canteen, I had four slices of bread and dripping every day for my morning break. Mind you we used to eat healthily back then.


Anybody else who used to take dripping sandwiches to work? :hihi::hihi:


Wern't lucky as some i had bread marg with sugar. Hmm?

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Let's face it, bread and dripping is the STAFF OF LIFE. My favorite story of dripping is the one of a Yorkshire man, winning some money, and going to stay at the Ritz Hotel in London. There he found that,'They had four different kinds of dripping'. So if anybody wins the lottery, stay at the Ritz.

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