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Another "Winning" Idea From Boy Dave.

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Whay about Boy Dave's last brainwave. Convicted criminals must pay back more than they are doing out of their benefit then they do at present, if they are fined as a punishment. Seems a fiver a week is the norm, Boy Dave says it should be twenty five quid a week.


Everyone must agree crimms must be punished, but if on benefits will this idea lead them to steal even more to pay back the fines. I don't know what the answer is, but its not Boy Dave's way.





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Fines for those on benefits is a ridiculous idea in the first place.


Think of it like this:


Your child breaks something in the house and as punishment you make them pay for a new one. However you give your child the pocket money to pay for it.

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Why not just build a massive edifice, with different halls for the sexes and children of the unemployed.

They could then be brought in, seperated from each other into the seperate halls, and set to work.

One task could be picking oakum, always useful

Another could be the treadmill, builds up the body you know.

For the children, sewing mailbags is one.


Three meals a day:-

Breakfast: Gruel

Dinner: Gruel and a slice of bread

Tea: Gruel and two slices of bread


It could be called The Workhouse.


A return to Victorian ideals, that what we need.

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