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100 Economists tell George he's wrong.

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George Osbourne needs to change to Plan B according to this piece in the hope that we can avoid a double-dip recession. Personally I'm stocking up on tinned food, am learning how to live off the land and have just bought myself a nice tent.



The problem is, it's easy to find 100 economists who agree with Boy George. The situation is as daft as that.






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George Osbourne needs to change to Plan B according to this piece in the hope that we can avoid a double-dip recession. Personally I'm stocking up on tinned food, am learning how to live off the land and have just bought myself a nice tent.



The problem is, it's easy to find 100 economists who agree with Boy George. The situation is as daft as that.








Really????? I think they're getting fewer by the day.

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When I was studying economics, I found the subject challenging.


"You've given me loads of opinions, a sh=t load of theory, but nowhere in your lectures have you given me any indication of what might be the true answer.




"There is no true answer. If there was, I wouldn't be teaching economics at a university."


(I do not have a degree in economics)

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100 leading economists

Do we have that many "leading" economists?


3 or 4 maybe. Gawd knows who the other lot are.


Their message seems to be:


What do we want?




When do we want it?





amid growing fears of a double-dip recession

The UK has effectively been in recession since 2008. Oh we had a 2% boost to GDP at the cost of £200 million of quantitative easing


Bank of England quantitative easing 'boosted GDP'


But growth paid for by money created out of thin air (and not worth the paper it's not printed on) isn't real growth (but try telling these "100 leading economists" and trollish clowns like Wednesday1 that).


Can you really solve the biggest debt crisis in history with still more debt?


If money printing is such a panacea for economic ills, why doesn't the government just install a money printer in every house so that we can just print off whatever we need to buy stuff?


After all, what's the worst that could happen?


If money printing was indeed the answer there wouldn't be a poor country on earth and Zimbabwe would be an economic powerhouse.

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George Osbourne needs to change to Plan B according to this piece in the hope that we can avoid a double-dip recession. Personally I'm stocking up on tinned food, am learning how to live off the land and have just bought myself a nice tent.


Should he also do what these economists want?



Top economists have urged the Chancellor to scrap the 50p top rate of income tax - for the sake of the recovery.


06 Sep 2011


The economists, including two former members of the Bank of England's policy committee, DeAnne Julius and Sushil Wadhwani, have signed a joint letter calling for George Osborne to drop the tax at the "earliest opportunity"

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The policy being followed is nothing to do with economics at all.

It is show who is top dog.

The Tories, after being shown up for a useless bunch of fellow travellers are determined to teach us a lesson.

They are going to teach us what poverty is, while showing that they can live the high life.

If we let them that is.

Unfortunatly, knowing the English people, you will let them walk all over you, while doffing your cap to them.

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The policy being followed is nothing to do with economics at all.

It is show who is top dog.

The Tories, after being shown up for a useless bunch of fellow travellers are determined to teach us a lesson.

They are going to teach us what poverty is, while showing that they can live the high life.

If we let them that is.

Unfortunatly, knowing the English people, you will let them walk all over you, while doffing your cap to them.



You know so much.


Please enlighten the remainder of us thicko's.

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