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100 Economists tell George he's wrong.

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You are probably right and we do need to borrow a bit more, but the sad fact of the situation is that we can't, contagion is undoubtedly coming to the EU soon and it's imperative that we don't get caught up in it.


We do have to be careful what be borrow. I think if we were borrowing for short-run growth boosts like Brown/Darling did (e.g. by creating hundreds of thousands of fixed contract civil service jobs) then the markets would look very dimly on that now and rightly so - that policy had it's place at the time but would be totally wrong now. It won't work again. I think Osborne is right on that one at least.


What I would like to see is necessarily big cuts to services where it is obvious there is a lot of dead wood but not the wild and indiscriminate axe wielding we have now. And I think we will find that deficit reduction over two parliaments was the most realistic target. With a clear plan for finding efficiencies there is no problem with borrowing for long-term major projects that will deliver ongoing benefits for many years - I think the markets would be very receptive to that.


Osborne only delivered half the plan we needed and the bit he did deliver was so badly screwed up it isn't funny.

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We were growing until Osborne got hold of the economy. His actions are making our meltdown worse - there aren't many economists who disagree with that right now. He hopes continued tight fiscal policy will deliver massive deficit reduction that can be followed by a boom that will help deliver conservative victory. I think his experiment is going to not quite come out as he expects.


Only if you call spending more on your credit card growing

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Do you think that the Rebel Alliance could have brought down the might of the Empire if they didn't resort to violence?


Don't be daft, that was a trilogy of movies for a start! :D:lol:

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