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Tricks Pulled On You By Workmates!!

old tup

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When I worked at brewery can remember yeast being squirted into a locker when bloke went on holiday.Two weeks later as you can imagine just a horrible smelly mess in his locker.One lad used to walk in pick up kettle shake it and switch on for a cup of tea.So one day we filled kettle with lager it bubbled and frothed and was like a cauldron off harry potter after that he always poured out the kettle before putting water in.

Can remember people being sent for a bucket of blue steam or a straight bend from pipefitters.

One of my favourites was a raffle rigged for a turkey at xmas,this bloke won and was given a live turkey on a piece of string.Still laugh at him walking this turkey round the brewery.

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I still can't believe I fell for the funnel trick but I did. First of all they demonstrate it, they tilt someone's head back and tell them to stand very still while a pile of coins is balanced on their forehead. Then a funnel is stuffed down the front of the trousers and the bloke has to straighten his head directing all the coins into the funnel. It looked like good fun! When they were carefully balancing the coins on my forehead, someone tipped a bottle of cold water down the funnel.

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i worked in a garage in the 60s and 70s me and a couple of mates would play tricks on a work mate he used to have a car with old fashioned hub caps some times we would take one off and put ball bearings into it he would drive around for hours wondeing were the rattle was comong from. another time the same mate i got a bar of laxative chocolate rub the name off mix them with ordinary chocolate and put them near his bench and we would watch him dip into it from time to time funny then but he was off work for a couple of days with tummy ache there were other stuff we did but he was a good sport and would try to get his own back but never did hope your ok now dave sorry

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as i said in a previous comment i made on same page about ball bearings but he got me back because i smoked at that time and if i bought a pack of fags he would get a datr and stinc in the pack several times all the were done in jest before we became PC it wasnt bullying at all it was workmates and apprentices having a laugh no one got hurt or injured.i thing some people led boring work lives it all added up to a bit of light relief if it upsets soke people get a life

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The best prank I ever saw was at BT. Everyone had to have a photo ID and one of the new lads has his 'doctored'. Quite unbeknown to him, some lag carefully cut out his photo and replaced it with a picture of a smiling Orang Utan (Monkey). The lad was oblivious of this and went to a branch of the Halifax to do a job. Needless to say all the girls behind the counter collapsed in fits of giggles and he went a similar shade of red to his picture!

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You mean like the lad who had an airline shoved up his backside , and his intestines were damaged or the lad who was lifted up by the chain hoist using his belt but the belt broke and he was badly injured yes very funny.The workplace used to be full of ignorant bullies who made the youngsters life hell just for a laugh ha ha.


crikey,i bet youre a laugh a minute.....lighten up and stop quoting extremes,

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as i said in a previous comment i made on same page about ball bearings but he got me back because i smoked at that time and if i bought a pack of fags he would get a datr and stinc in the pack several times all the were done in jest before we became PC it wasnt bullying at all it was workmates and apprentices having a laugh no one got hurt or injured.i thing some people led boring work lives it all added up to a bit of light relief if it upsets soke people get a life


Sorry, can't understand what you mean here - a 'datr and stinc in the pack'?

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First take an apprentice--thread a brush stale through the outstretched arms--apply a couple of wraps of sticky tape---it is a good idea at this stage to bind the legs together--then place the said apprentice face down in front of the clocking out queue--and listen to the industrial language

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