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'I am part of the most selfish generation in history', says Paxman

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You provided not one single example of working without land, which was the original question.

We provided lots of examples of working without owning or renting land. You tried desperately to twist your own words to mean that you couldn't work without somewhere to stand basically. Whilst that is obviously true, we can't work whilst not being somewhere, the statement you've now repeated here, that you can't work without owning land, was disproven and remains so.

This was a forerunner into the argument that private land ownership is immoral, and that it should be a collective resource for all, and that rents from said land should be then payable as a basic income to all.


I provided many many examples of the 'inverse farm size and yield' relationship, before you accepted it, you on the other hand provided no evidence whatsoever for your opinions.

Actually you refused to provide any example for pages and pages and then finally provided something about India, which I've accepted for the time being as I have no more relevant evidence to counter it, I say for the time being as I wonder exactly how applicable to the UK it really is.

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We proved weeks ago that you don't need to own land in order to work.


How do you expect them to work and pay tax, when they are denied land upon which they can work,

Or maybe we just proved that nobody is denied land upon which to work.


I forget.


Can we try it and see... Somebody grab a bike and courier a parcel to somewhere. See if anyone stops you because you don't own the land you're cycling on...

Or failing that, just get a job stacking shelves and see if ownership of the land stops you working in some way.

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We provided lots of examples of working without owning or renting land. You tried desperately to twist your own words to mean that you couldn't work without somewhere to stand basically. Whilst that is obviously true, we can't work whilst not being somewhere, the statement you've now repeated here, that you can't work without owning land, was disproven and remains so.

FAIL. I said WITHOUT land. And thus, the private ownership of the land which people need to work, that extracts rents from the rest of society is immoral.


Actually you refused to provide any example for pages and pages and then finally provided something about India, which I've accepted for the time being as I have no more relevant evidence to counter it, I say for the time being as I wonder exactly how applicable to the UK it really is.


I provided many simple examples, including visual aids such as a pretty picture of Bosco Verticale.

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FAIL. I said WITHOUT land. And thus, the private ownership of the land which people need to work, that extracts rents from the rest of society is immoral.

You're talking nonsense aren't you. Nobody can work in a vacuum (not without a spacesuit anyway), but that doesn't mean that they need to own land, or that access to land to be present on is somehow restricted.



I provided many simple examples, including visual aids such as a pretty picture of Bosco Verticale.

You can provide whatever examples you like, one single counter example proves you wrong and many were provided.

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You can provide whatever examples you like, one single counter example proves you wrong and many were provided.


I'm yet to see any of your evidence that argues against the 'inverse farm size and yield relationship'.


And one example would not be sufficient, no.

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FAIL. I said WITHOUT land. And thus, the private ownership of the land which people need to work, that extracts rents from the rest of society is immoral. . . . .
Is it ok for them to pay for the materials and power they use, or is it immoral that such things are not also free?

I have to say I love the idea of land being free to businesses :)

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