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A Ban on Trick or Treating?

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Won't happen, it's an American thing, and everyone knows the UK Government simply HAS to do everything the Yanks do, seeing as D Cameron and chums are so far up Barack Obama's arse it's not funny.


Then i suppose you're not going to be your usual Bat Man this year, we were asking Penny for the Guy long before you were even born Rich, so stop making sh** up.

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Bit of a 'trick' for them this year as the little scroats come Knocking at Area 51 and a half's door, extracting money with menaces.

My tasers are all fully charged and ready to fire straight out of the letterbox at gonad level! :P

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Any other time of the year it would be classed as harassment so yes, ban it - it's a ghastly Americanism that should never have been allowed to take hold in this country.


Maybe it's because us english can't think for ourselves, we have to be copy cats :)

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One of my work colleagues at work said they were going sit in the house all night with the houselights off to deter trick or treaters. I believe he was serious too, what a prat.


Do that round here and you have to be committed, if they even suspect you are in and not answering then you could end up with some nasty scratches down the side of your car.

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