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A Ban on Trick or Treating?

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oh, we did have one family of four who just stood and gawped at us on our doorstep - no 'trick or treat', or 'thank you' :suspect:


I'm plotting for next year already :P


Most of last years lot were like that, this years lot all made an effort apart from the new Eastern European family that has just moved in down the road, still gave them money and sweets though.

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Why two threads on Halloween? Couldn't the OP have just added his/her comments on the other thread titled "Halloween.. I just don't get it" instead of starting a new one or dont some members bother to browse through the thread subjects first. :huh:

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Only one lot this year but they were mob-handed. It was probably the same number of kids as other years, but all at once instead of multiple small groups, which is fine with me if I only have to go to the door once. They were cheerful and polite, as they always are in my experience. Those who want to ban it are miseries, what's a bag of mini chocolate bars once a year?

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Nothing wrong with trick or treating, my 2 kids didn't go out doing it but we gave 20 made up bags of sweets to the ones who came to the door.

My 2 yr old daughter was happy to hand the sweets over but was scared by a couple of the skeleton outfits worn by the trick or treaters.

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