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Would disability put you off dating someone?

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Well as per the post we are saying that the person is in fine health at the moment. They may even be more active and athletic than you are!


But there is a possibility that in later years the person could suffer from things arising from the condition. This can affect sensation, speech, ability to walk.. you don't really know what will happen and when, but it COULD happen at any time.


Also, we don't know what advances in medical science could develop over the next 20 years which could provide a cure or alleviation of the symptoms to help the person have a more independent lifestyle.


It is an interesting debate. Those that have said they wouldn't are indeed entitled to their opinion, I'd be interested to know what they would envisage happening if they were unfortunate enough to suffer an accident which would leave them with limited mobility - would they expect their OH to leave them? How would they feel about people avoiding them specifically because of their disability?

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Its a fatuous question as all people have flaws,some being visible and capable of categorisation.Some physically disabled people are very gifted mentally,and as certain celebrities confirm you can be physically attractive but vacuous in your mentality.I think Tara Palmer Tomkins is quite attractive and many of my female friends are keen on David Blunkett(no they are not blind!)

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Rich, what are the RIGHT reasons for hating disabled people. If someone hates you simply for your disability then they are not worth knowing anyway.


Preumably the right reason for hating one would be because they're a <insert word of choice> and a thoroughly nasty person?

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Well as per the post we are saying that the person is in fine health at the moment. They may even be more active and athletic than you are!


But there is a possibility that in later years the person could suffer from things arising from the condition. This can affect sensation, speech, ability to walk.. you don't really know what will happen and when, but it COULD happen at any time.


Also, we don't know what advances in medical science could develop over the next 20 years which could provide a cure or alleviation of the symptoms to help the person have a more independent lifestyle.


It is an interesting debate. Those that have said they wouldn't are indeed entitled to their opinion, I'd be interested to know what they would envisage happening if they were unfortunate enough to suffer an accident which would leave them with limited mobility - would they expect their OH to leave them? How would they feel about people avoiding them specifically because of their disability?


I think that is an entirely separate issue in my view. Loving someone and sticking by them when they're struck down with some horrible degenerative disease or permanently injured in an accident is not the same as embarking on a relationship with someone who already has a disability or disease.

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So according to this thread, someone like me is doomed to be single forever! So much for my "5 year plan" to be hitched with at least one child before I'm 40 (I'm 35 and half now).

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So according to this thread, someone like me is doomed to be single forever! So much for my "5 year plan" to be hitched with at least one child before I'm 40 (I'm 35 and half now).


Not at all. There have only been a handful of replies so far, and I have already indicated that it wouldn't put me off.


Though that doesn't help you, what with me being a fella and all!


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Would disability put you off dating someone?


What kind of a question is that? of course it would and anyone who would say otherwise is probably lying. Then again, there are those people who would date people with a disability just to try and prove the point that the disability is not is not an issue.

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If you had feelings for him/her before knowing about any oncoming disability there's no reason to assume or expect that it would come to an end. Regarding sexual activity, if that was off the cards at the start of the relationship the fact would be made clear i would think before it went any further. There's likely to be relationships that exist without sexual activity.

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