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Information needed on Sheffield highrise flats.


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Heye Joey,

That sounds brilliant! I would love to get hold of that footage, if you want i could send a formal letter stating what i would need it for and when for etc. Also stating who i am and my address. I am still on the search for specific footage of any of the demolitions. Do you work for a company called 'Controlled Demolition' by any chance? Because i have been doing some research on the demolition of Norfolk park flats and i think they were responsible for that particular knock down. They featured on a programme called 'Demolition' that was aired sometime in 1999 on Calton. I think?


Anyways as i always say keep in touch and i hope to hear from any of you soon!

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Originally posted by Plain Talker



Embargoed? Why on earth? Was that your decision, or was it one imposed on you?)sorry, i'm really puzzled... - excuse my inastiable curtiosity...)


I can understand things like the census being kept hidden as sensitive information, but... erm... HUH?




dunno, really, they were asking people for diaries at the time, so i sent mine....


they said you could leave 'em "embargoed" so i said "yes, okay"!



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Originally posted by sophie

...... i haven't started to understand why the flats were pulled down and in what years they were demolished. Obviously Park Hill is a Grade 2 listed building now with Urban Splash (a Manchester based group) set to regenerate the site for sometime in the next couple of years. I've started to understand the architectural relevance of the buildings but i dont have much in the way of factual knowledge. Anything you could send me would be great. I'm compiling 4 case studies of the different highrise flats for my degree show (early June 2006), so all information is needed at this point.

Hope to hear from you or anyone else that may help.

Thanks for your time.


according to my dad who worked in the architects' department in the 60's, there was a new type of concrete used after a certain date.....kelvin ended up with it, and that's why it crumbled!


ironically this was due to an additive intended to strengthen the material.


i will scan all my scrapbooks; please allow a few weeks!


kelvin was demolished in 1994; hyde park in 1992.


i have an interesting letter from when i lived at castle court (new hyde park), saying to evacuate the building on the days of the explosions!



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Originally posted by sophie

.....if you did live in one of the 4 highrise flats, i was wondering if you'd be up for filling out a questionnaire i have compiled about your time there. I can post it on here then you could copy and paste your answers, or i could email it to you? It's only 10 or so questions long and barely takes any time!


Hope to hear from you soon.


And again thank you for your time.


yes, email or post it if you like!



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