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Soldier cuts off Afghans' fingers for war trophies

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Many would say the meaning is defined by usage. .
Misusage is by people who haven't a proper point so they misuse a word to strengthen a weak point.

Security is security just as a mercenery is a mercenery.


Simple question, when was the last security person killed, caught or actualy on patrol or in frontline combat in Afghanistan?

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I'm not saying that all mercenaries do exactly the same job all the time, that would be silly.

And to call a security person who is just employed as security a mercenery is not only silly but incorrect usage of the word mercenery.


A mercenery in Afghanistan would be employed by the Afghani government to go out, seek and fight the the Taliban and the Pakistani trained insurgents.

Have you any proof that this is happening.


I'm not really intertsted in replies regarding people who are misusng the term mercenery in the context of soldiers employed by a foreign government to fight their wars as was the case in Lybia.

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Originally Posted by Peas Maker

Agent orange you are aware that in fact mercenaries are used in these wars in Iraq and afganistan ?


I'm not calling the soliders mercenaries but the hundreds of thousands of contracted killers being used by the American and our governments .


But the mainstream media has conditioned the public to ignore that fact


So where is your proof? Once and for all put up or shut up!


If the Taleban showed as much concern as you do for human life and dignity maybe 911 wouldn't have happened.

They must love it when people like you jump on the do-gooder bandwagon.

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Here is another brainwashed example -


Since when has the Taliban ever attacked us ? ( expect since after the invasion?)


As for blowing up budda is that why we are now trying to remake the political structure of that country ?


Westenphobe is some one who does NOT support the true princlples of freedom and democracy !

Something western governments have not done for many many years .


Corporations now own and control the government - if you can see that I suffer you do a wee little more reading.


You also better do better than that if you wish to accuse me of racism !


The Taleban government refused to hand over members of the terrorist group who planned and carried out the 9/11 act. The Taleban in other words were accessories to the crime.


Who are these "merecenaries" you keep banging on about? Where are they from? You need to back up your statements with some fact not just repeating the same old line in every other post

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We bombed France and most of Europe durig the war, we sent troops into most of Europe during the war, I think it was to help and I’m sure it did help; I’m not sure how we could have helped to liberate Europe without bombing and sending troops.


You cant compare

Iraq , afganistan , Pakistan , Libya , Yemen and Somalia with German occupied France ,



All the above countries are curently being bombed and attacked by the USA and were not occupied by a forign occupation force .


What do you think ?


Or do you still think peace is spread by the sword ?

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Hundreds of thousands if I read it correctly.


The fact is we have hundreds of thousands of soliders and just as many mercenaries

Which is a load of Westernerphobic, cobbler, claptrap.


BTW what business is emplying actual mercenaries in the true sense of the word?


Here is a clue when sky news uses the word


Contractor in a war context


It really means mercenries !


You know soliders of fortune

Paid killers ?

The same sort we have seen for mellineia , but on a massive scale never seen before .

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You cant compare

Iraq , afganistan , Pakistan , Libya , Yemen and Somalia with German occupied France ,

Natos involvement in Lybia was done with the blessing of the Arab countries.


Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are awash with muslim terrorist insurgents who plan and carry out attacks all round the world, is that Ok by you, did you dance in the streets for joy as 911 happened.

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