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Soldier cuts off Afghans' fingers for war trophies

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The Afghans are an amazing people, there's far more to them than the Taliban and other extremist groups.


(Unless of course you were just tarring all muslims with the same brush as usual.)

Have you spent much time in Afghanistan to learn about them and see this for yourself?
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No, have you? What did you think of the Afghans?
As it happens, I have, several times for a few weeks each time.


Very interesting people - hardy, resourceful and determined among many other things. The same can be said of people in many other parts of the world where daily life is a matter of dealing with real adversity.


If I were to say they are amazing, my statement might have some credence. Somebody who bases such claims on what filters its way through his spectacles from the Guardian's columns ought perhaps not to make such claims.


I'm rather surprised that anybody would try to make such a strong statement from a basis of zero experience. On second thoughts, I'm not surprised at all.

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Misusage is by people who haven't a proper point so they misuse a word to strengthen a weak point.
But you are the one claiming that there is only one 'true meaning' of the word despite not having any grounds to stand on other than that's what you want it to mean. I have consistently maintained that your understanding of the words is simply at odds with the more common meaning.


Simple question, when was the last security person killed, caught or actualy on patrol or in frontline combat in Afghanistan?
I'll answer if you can explain how my answer would be relevant.


It's rather simple to me, a mercenary is a soldier that is for hire. That is the exact service that theses private security contractors offer. Soldiers, for hire. The fact that they are for protection and not aggression doesn't change the fact that they are soldiers for hire.

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And to call a security person who is just employed as security a mercenery is not only silly but incorrect usage of the word mercenery.


A mercenery in Afghanistan would be employed by the Afghani government to go out, seek and fight the the Taliban and the Pakistani trained insurgents.

Have you any proof that this is happening.


I'm not really intertsted in replies regarding people who are misusng the term mercenery in the context of soldiers employed by a foreign government to fight their wars as was the case in Lybia.


O please baseman please stop your pathetic attempt to try and justify these cleary poor ethical decisions made by corporate America


The mercenary industry has turned into a multi billion dollar industry thanks mainly to American government employing hundreds of thousands of them in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan


I know the media has brainwashed many in the public like your self by using soft word like contractors when talking about these mercenaries !

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O please baseman please stop your pathetic attempt to try and justify these cleary poor ethical decisions made by corporate America


The mercenary industry has turned into a multi billion dollar industry thanks mainly to American government employing hundreds of thousands of them in war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan


I know the media has brainwashed many in the public like your self by using soft word like contractors when talking about these mercenaries !


So, you don't have any proof these 'contractors' are involved in killings etc? It's a yes or no answer.

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What a disgusting sexist Peas Maker is.

There'll be an immediated drop in population in Afghanistan if the Taliban Muslims come back to power in Afghanistan, thousands upon thousands of women will be executed will many thousands of Afghani children left without a mother.


And peas maker would rejoice in this, no doubt Peas Maker was an avid viewer of the Muslim Talibans national Saturday afternoon recreation of blowing womens brains out with an AK47 in the middle of Kabul football pitch.


The Westernerphobic/sexist attitude of some members is extremely distressing.



Peas Maker is typical of someone who sees the world from behind a keyboard and relies on U-Tube for his knowledge.


It wouldn't be a bad idea to club together and pay his plane fare to Afghanistan after the coalition leave in 2014. :hihi:


What's going to happen when the Taleban either kill or kick out Karzai will be the education of a lifetime

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