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Soldier cuts off Afghans' fingers for war trophies

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Yeah. Im just glad the Americans and ourselves havent resorted to strapping bombs on kids and the disabled.

Now that would be really sick.


Of course they haven't, they have some of the best trained and best armed soldiers in the world, they don't need to. What a stupid point to try and make, 'moranic' you might even say.

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All troops will be out of Afganistan in 2014. The plan is to nuke the place to kingdom come then declare victory and go home bringing as many heads, fingers and genitalia as the standard issue kit bag can hold to show wives, girlfriends and kids.

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All troops will be out of Afganistan in 2014. The plan is to nuke the place to kingdom come then declare victory and go home bringing as many heads, fingers and genitalia as the standard issue kit bag can hold to show wives, girlfriends and kids.


You've just described hate, with the added spice of spite.


The problem with that, and it has been recognised by the US armed forces is, that those same men are so dehumanised and devoid of reality that there is a real problem with combat troops causing severe damage to their families.



scroll to 4.50


The US seem to be starting to get to grips with the problem through training.

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Some war crimes do get reported ,

However in wonder how Many don't .


How many are commited by the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries being used in these wars.


These Paid killers who don't have to answer to any type of court or justice system ?


So come on then, let's have it, why are you posting about this? You do realise you're not ever going to change anyone opinions so why bother. You are trying to discredit our forces which are responding to a help request from the Afghan government and that can only mean one thing - You are not on the side of the Afghan government or the countries trying to provide security to the public of Afghanistan.

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Some war crimes do get reported ,

However in wonder how Many don't .


How many are commited by the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries being used in these wars.


These Paid killers who don't have to answer to any type of court or justice system ?


Soldiers are often held to account for their actions. Let's clear that up before we start.


Don't let facts get in the way of your agenda. Speaking of mercenaries, I wonder if the taliban are accountable for the scores of people they execute/murder/rape etc. etc. etc.

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Yeah. Im just glad the Americans and ourselves havent resorted to strapping bombs on kids and the disabled.

Now that would be really sick.

Like saturday afternoon sport in Kabul football stadium. 100,000 baying Afghanis (99.9% men) baying for blood whilst peolple had their brains blown out, 99% of them women for the bestial crimes of going out alone, learning to read and having a photograph taken.

Yes they really could show us how civilised people conduct themselves.

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Acts of barbarism and evil happen in all wars and the US and UK forces are not immune to this. Remember the innocent Iraqi beaten to death for fun by UK soldiers? Repulsive.

Remember the six British Redcaps who were executed after their ammo ran out. They'd surrendered, even showed their captors photos of their wives and children but still had their brains blown out by their captors.

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Soldiers are often held to account for their actions. Let's clear that up before we start.


Don't let facts get in the way of your agenda. Speaking of mercenaries, I wonder if the taliban are accountable for the scores of people they execute/murder/rape etc. etc. etc.


You see you're suffering from Islamphobia, but if you say Peas Maker is a Westernerphobe your post will be deleted and you may well get a 3 day ban.

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Originally Posted by Peas Maker

Some war crimes do get reported ,

However in wonder how Many don't .


How many are commited by the hundreds of thousands of mercenaries being used in these wars.


These Paid killers who don't have to answer to any type of court or justice system ?

So where are these mercenaries operating, who's using them?

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