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Soldier cuts off Afghans' fingers for war trophies

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So come on then, let's have it, why are you posting about this? You do realise you're not ever going to change anyone opinions so why bother. You are trying to discredit our forces which are responding to a help request from the Afghan government and that can only mean one thing - You are not on the side of the Afghan government or the countries trying to provide security to the public of Afghanistan.


Oooo please mecky we both know you are a racists hate filled person - last time you accused me of being a Muslim - like if it would be a insult !!!


Supporting the afghan government ?? Please you are having a giraffe .

The same government which is involved with drug dealing ?

The same government which is in power due to MASSIVE VOTE FRAUD?


The same government which is known to take bribes from near by countries ?


We are sacrificing for this afghan government ?




You expose your self when ever you accuse some one of siding with terrorists just because they don't agree with the murderous policys of the coporate government!!


You don't help people by invading them !

You don't free people by bombing them and occupying them!


You have a twisted manipulated view of reality ,

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Like saturday afternoon sport in Kabul football stadium. 100,000 baying Afghanis (99.9% men) baying for blood whilst peolple had their brains blown out, 99% of them women for the bestial crimes of going out alone, learning to read and having a photograph taken.

Yes they really could show us how civilised people conduct themselves.


Good job we have improved that with :


Mass drone strikes



Massive heroin industry


Mercenaries by the hundreds of thousands roaming the country unchecked -



We sure improved things didn't we ?


Hey guess what Saudi Arabia also executes people for abnormal reasons -

Woemen there are the most oppressed possibly only second to Taliban -


So please don't give the excuse we are helping people


As you don't help people by occupying them


That's just the mainstream excuse to convince the gullible public like you

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Well I suppose it is expected when you have a forign occupation force ,


A gorilla war is not to win the enemy but to cause pain and distress ,


Guess sometimes stress just gets too you ?


who is this foreign occupation force. Do you mean The PAKISTAN TALIBAN?

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Must you bring your tedious private paranoias into every public discussion?



People do not get banned just for calling people 'Westernerphobe'.


Look I'll prove it - Bassman, you're the most dreadful Westernerphobe I've ever come across.


Besides, 'Westernerphobe' is such a rubbish, meaningless term.


Right if I don't support these unjust wars I'm with the Taliban !


That's the mentality of most people

They can only see black and white !


I'm not sure what a westernphobe is -


Is it when bush gave the excuse " they are jelous of our freedom "

Sone actualy beloved him ?

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who is this foreign occupation force. Do you mean The PAKISTAN TALIBAN?


I'm not sure what you mean -


The fact is we have hundreds of thousands of soliders and just as many mercenaries being used in this conflict


The tribes which we are fighting straggle both sides of the border which was also drawn up by us a few decades or so.


I think in all recent conflicts the occupying forces have always been quick to accuse nearby countries of supporting the insurgencies - when in fact to stop this war you need too pull out and talk ! Pure and simple

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Rant - due to my last subject about STD experiments conducted in south americans - which I was called names for bringing up the subject - quite strange


You aren't doing yourself any favours. Calling coalition soldiers 'mercenaries' and accusing them of heinous acts on the basis of one story.


You are quick to accuse the coalition forces, but yet neglect to condemn the actions of the taliban.

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You aren't doing yourself any favours. Calling coalition soldiers 'mercenaries' and accusing them of heinous acts on the basis of one story.


You are quick to accuse the coalition forces, but yet neglect to condemn the actions of the taliban.


Bassman does exactly the same thing.


It seems to be just too difficult for some people to accept that although the Taliban behave extremely badly and that ourselves and the Americans have the finest fighting forces in the world we occasionally behave badly ourselves.



Acknowledging this doesn't make a person disloyal or (to coin Bass's favourite nonsense burble) 'Westernerphobic'.

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