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Facebook Has Ruined The World.

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I went out with a friend one night to a dinner & see a show. All night she was texting on her phone & conversation between us was none existent. The next day I went on FB and saw that she'd been texting a running commentary of the evening's events to her facebook all night "just got a drink from bar" "They're back on stage now" "time for the buffet" "Having another drink" etc. I thought - well, what's the point???

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I went out with a friend one night to a dinner & see a show. All night she was texting on her phone & conversation between us was none existent. The next day I went on FB and saw that she'd been texting a running commentary of the evening's events to her facebook all night "just got a drink from bar" "They're back on stage now" "time for the buffet" "Having another drink" etc. I thought - well, what's the point???


Call me harsh if you like, but when I'm out with a friend, if they start messing about texting or making calls, I tell them to either switch their phone off or leave. If you're more interested in your virtual friends than the person you're spending time with then you're no friend at all!

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You seem very defensive. This suggests that deep down you know that spending every minute of your leisure time hunched over your laptop looking at photos of other people's families is no substitute for going out to the pub and having a laugh with real life friends.


Don't be ridiculous. I work in front of a PC and have plenty of time to browse this forum and facebook amongst others.

That still leaves me lots of time to do other things, although I try to restrict the amount of time I spend in the pub since I don't want to be fat and lazy.

It's just that ignorance annoys me and the criticism of facebook on this thread comes from people who are self professedly ignorant of it!

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I watched a documentary which was partly filmed in a 999 emergency call centre, the staff there and the police cursed Facebook because of all the pointless calls they received, like so-and-so called me a name on Facebook etc.

I have Facebook, but only have about 70 'friends', only people I have personally met and don't mind sharing my sometimes random musings with. :suspect:

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Don't be ridiculous. I work in front of a PC and have plenty of time to browse this forum and facebook amongst others.

That still leaves me lots of time to do other things, although I try to restrict the amount of time I spend in the pub since I don't want to be fat and lazy.

It's just that ignorance annoys me and the criticism of facebook on this thread comes from people who are self professedly ignorant of it!


:hihi::hihi: Pure gold. :hihi:;)

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OK. Explain to me why I need a FaceBook account.


Its for likeminded people to communicate. A group of us supported each other thru' cancer treatment, facing up to 'end of life', getting on with life AFTER cancer. We used the excellent Macmillan Cancer Support site but we found that our often 'inappropriate humour' didn't go down very well on there. A lot of members only wanted to be miserable and not laugh. We moved over to FB 'en bloc', and even more cancer patients found us, all with a sense of humour.

Facebook has a purpose, my circle of contacts can vouch for that. Anyone who just posts drivel is simply 'unfriended', as is anyone who is persistently rude. :)

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