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Tories do say the nuttiest things.

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Gordon Brown is a Marxist at heart. Just because he didn't fully implement Marxist theory to-the-letter in government, people scoff at the suggestion he's a Marxist. He was as Marxist as he could get away with.


Well I doubt Marx would agree with much of what he's done or stands for, but then Marxism is a reactionary ideology that varies depending on the ideologue interpreting Marx's theory.

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Give us some examples.


what marxist things did he actually do?


Well I dont know if this is Marxism in action or not but It can be said that after 13 years of Labour, Britain was/is a vast, authoritarian state bureaucracy in which private enterprise wasn't really encouraged, and Government spending apparently counted for more than half of the entire economy while the majority of the adult population was dependent on the state for their income.


(Im not a Tory just for the record)

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I think Brown was more of a follower of Anthony Giddens et al's 3rd way philosophy, like Blair. It may be rooted in some of Marx's theories but I wouldn't call Brown an all out Marxist. If he did claim that then I think you'll find a lot of serious Marxian scholars opposed to his acceptance of neoliberal policies. There's of course a certain degree of overlap when you advocate a mixed economy.

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Supporters of the Nasty Party have always put nutty statements on this forum, but in recent weeks the problem seems to be getting worse.


Despite the fact that the Tories haven’t won a single seat in Sheffield in living memory and support for the Tories in Sheffield is as rare as an intelligent thought in Cameron’s head this forum is flooded with extreme right wing fanatics who see fit to give us the benefit of their words of wisdom every minute of the day.


I have put together five of the nuttier statements by the right wing intelligentsia that I have seen in recent weeks:


‘The reason the mines closed down was because the miners went on strike.’


‘When there is a dispute between the Unions and Management I never look at the issues behind the dispute because it is always the fault of the Unions. If anyone goes on strike it is equivalent to giving in their notice.’


‘Labour took thousands off unemployment benefit and put them on Incapacity benefit.’ (Presumably with the support of Doctors who examine people to see if they qualify for IB)


‘Labour encourage a benefits culture.’ (Despite the fact that unemployment is always higher under the Nasty Party)


‘Gordon Brown is a Marxist.’:help:


Feel free to add your own.




Aye, wasn't it Brown who (by a freudian slip) told Parliament he was the man to save the world.


Laugh, I fell off the sofa.





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Feel free to add your own.


Can't do better than a real quote from a real Tory


"Rising unemployment and the recession have been the price that we have had to pay to get inflation down. That price is well worth paying."

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I think Brown was more of a follower of Anthony Giddens et al's 3rd way philosophy, like Blair. It may be rooted in some of Marx's theories but I wouldn't call Brown an all out Marxist. If he did claim that then I think you'll find a lot of serious Marxian scholars opposed to his acceptance of neoliberal policies. There's of course a certain degree of overlap when you advocate a mixed economy.


Brown definitely was, at one time, a committed and self-admitted Marxist. By the time he reached Government, he claimed he was no longer one. He didn't do very much that was openly Marxist while in government, but it's easy for anyone so inclined to see his incompetence, and its disastrous outcomes, as a deliberate attempt to ruin a healthy capitalist economy.

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Brown definitely was, at one time, a committed and self-admitted Marxist. By the time he reached Government, he claimed he was no longer one. He didn't do very much that was openly Marxist while in government, but it's easy for anyone so inclined to see his incompetence, and its disastrous outcomes, as a deliberate attempt to ruin a healthy capitalist economy.



Sadly you couldn't be further from the truth, it was of course the high priests of capitalism and friends and financiers of the Conservatives who managed to bring about a global recession, The Bankers. :)

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Sadly you couldn't be further from the truth, it was of course the high priests of capitalism and friends and financiers of the Conservatives who managed to bring about a global recession, The Bankers. :)


Maybe the bankers are closet communists - yes you read that correctly.


Harry Pollitt, the leader of the Communist party of Great Britain told a group of high-flying young Left-wingers at Cambridge University: 'Don't join us. Work hard, get good degrees, join the Establishment and serve our cause from within".



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