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Revision tactics

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Anyone know any good revision strategies?

Granted allowing self to become distracted by this great and wonderful Forum :P probably isnt helping!

Dont really want to have to do the caffeine and craming method but I can see it happening :loopy:

and I refuse do to the Rimmer tactic of copying pages from text books on to my thighs

1. Youre only cheating yourself

2. Would make awful mess of my troosers :wink: altho prospect of exams can also make awful mess of troosers :o


....best get some more reading done I suppose....Oh for a photgraphic memory!



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1. Don't panic

2. Draw up a revision timetable

3. Lose it

4. Draw up another revision timetable

5. Discuss with fellow students

6. Have revision tactics session in pub

7. Agree to meet up and have team revision

8. Meet up

9. 20 mins revision 'til someone spots trivial pursuit under sideboard

10. Play trivial pursuit (chances are that some questions will be relevant to your subject)

11. Nominate someone to go to off-licence as NO-ONE plays tp sober

12. Get p****ed

13. Wife comes home & makes pizzas for everyone


It worked for me.

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Originally posted by max

1. Don't panic

6. Have revision tactics session in pub

12. Get p****ed

13. Wife comes home & makes pizzas for everyone


It worked for me (2:1 in case your interested)


Liking that plan, altho I have no wife...or house husband in my case to be my pizza slave :( I was slanting towards the side of blagging it I managed it last year, but I went to all the lectures then and Ive only been to about...........




............3 :rolleyes: out of........many!


and yet funnily enough I am still on this forum chatting away! I lack willpower!



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My revision goes something along these lines.


Day 1: Can't be arsed.

Day 2: Can't be arsed.

Day 3: Can't be arsed.

Day 4: Can't be arsed.

Day 5: Have every intention of doing revision, but then get sidetracked.

Day 6: Read a past exam paper, and spend 10 minutes on it before I find I can't be arsed.

Day of exam: I cram as much revision as I can with my friends while waiting to go into the exam hall.


Disclaimer: This is not an advisable plan. In fact I'm not sure how I've got as far as I have in uni.

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Yeah i know the feeling, am also supposed to be revsing for exams next week. so far my revision has consisted of cleaning the flat, eating chinese, buying a toaster and drinking 20 cups of tea. maybe it will work.

i don't know why when revsion needs doing, it makes things like doing the dishes seem quite exciting and enjoyable.

oh well!

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hmm revision, I remember the days.


Well I would say, try and get into a routine but then also have some variety (if that makes any sense).


I used to get up at the same time everyday, work until lunchtime, get lunch (or meet up with a mate), spend an hour chatting/eating/watching neighbours. work until the simpsons, have tea, do a couple more hours then go to the pub or meet up with with some people to do something relaxing.


If home gets boring get a change of scenery, like the library or the reading room, all my mates used to go to our department reading room so if you felt like a bit of a discussion you could go there and chat about the work.


I know it's hard but try not to worry too much and just get on with it (I mad myself ill and it just wasn't worth it - I have a very good degree but sometimes feel like I missed out on a year of my life).

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I spend a good hour high-lighting bits that looked important, gonna copy em down onto seperate bits of paper and try to commit to memory and pad stuff out with the usual media/sociological banter.

I have got till Monday so maybe all isnt lost


argh its been 10 mins!

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yes highlighting, though useless, does make it look like you've done something. thats my approach, even if it's completely random highlighting, it makes it look like you know what you're doing.

I've got 3 zams next week. really not looking forward to it

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