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Revision tactics

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The theory says you should work for 20 minutes, after which time your head will be full. Make a cup of tea, go for a walk, chat on the Forum. During this time, all you have read will be "filed" and cross-referenced with everything else you know. This won't take long (:D ).


Go back and do another 20 minutes. Make another cup of tea. Go for a wee.


And so on.


And if you get bored have a look at where this theory comes from! Here

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My revision is pretty effective in my opinion...


1.Write a list of all the things you need to cover...

2. Fit this into a revision timetable, starting very early... don't cram too much into one session though... Just try and use 20-30 minute bursts...

3. Have a re-cap session every week or so, just to make sure its going in...

4. Use different methods of revision... EG - draw diagrams, do linear "bullet point" notes, mindmaps etc...

5. Whatever you do, don't leave anything until the night before the exam.... Go to a nice smellies shop and buy something lovely to pop in your bath to help relax you... No revision on that night, otherwise you'll only panic about what you don't know...


....and remember you know a lot more than you think you do!

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My revision plan is leave it til the night before.


Trust me it works.


I did this with my GCSEs, a-levels and am now doing it with my uni exams. Its never failed me - although you do have to stay awake til 4-5 am but you cant get to sleep on the night before an exam anyway can you!


What you do is at around 8 (or when soaps end) you copy out your notes into a conveniently sized notepad - trying to write them in a different way. Then once youve done this (can take anywhere between 5-7 hours) you read it through a few times and highlight bits just cos using a highlighter is so fun.


Trust me ive never got below a B with this tecnique. Many people avoid it but its the best way.


Ill let you know if it works with uni exams (havent had any marked yet!)

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