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Bagua zhang? stav? rare-ish martial arts?


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hi, been doing wing chun for 12 years and got into the energy boxing side of things and wondered if there's anyone out there who has experience of any art thats a bit non mainstream.


years ago saw a guy doing bagua with all the circling and angling moves which looked awesome.

also wondered if anyone knows stuff like rune fighting which might be retained in stav.


basically any art with a concept of mini-max, brains not brawn, energy rather than muscle.

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I know someone who has been practising Bagua for years.


I did some training, including standing, but unfortunately I do not have the dedication.


A fine art I have been lead to believe, and the trainer I went to in Grimsby and my friend expel natural unaggressive energy.


Have you ever read the Dan Millman Peaceful Warrior books ?

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like the tag line "talk sense to a fool etc" . saw a shrink on friday and quoting that would have been ever so spot on. thankyou, i no longer feel obliged to suffer fools.


is dan millman into energy arts?

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Sticking hands after nine years of tai chi form hmmm???


Do you mean reeling silk?? I'd teach it in the first few months it is invaluable as a method of training ting jin. Along with the other push hands methods that make up the tai chi chuan syllabus.


Not met anyone who has done bagua. Bruce Frantzis book on internal ma is quite good has some stuff on bagua as has 'chinese boxing masters and methods' by robert w smith, both taken with a pinch of salt though.

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sounds very much like my cup of tea nigsmig!


i'll pm you my email address!


n_tomo, what style of tai chi do you teach? sounds like you know your sticking hands! i'd love to know more but hopefully that will come in the next several years


i'd better clarify tho - i had a couple years out of practising a few years ago - the stage i am at now i think is about the same as practising maybe five or six years straight, but it's hard to say


it's amazing what you can learn about the shortfalls of your balance by doing a little chi sau!


I have been learning wu chien chuan style with sifu david barrow - he is an incredible tai chi practitioner & teacher, and does like to take things slowly - i believe that he used to teach sticking hands earlier on until he hooked up with master ma (grandmaster of wu style) who asked him not to teach it so early on


i'm not sure if his methods have changed lately, as a group of us have recently started learning some sticking hands much earlier than i'd expected to :D

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I teach wudang (practical) tai chi chuan.


My teachers are Peter Ellis and Dan Docherty.


I started learning over 4 years ago and have been hooked ever since. I started teaching around a year ago.


From the first few months I teach reeling silk, 7 star stepping, 4 directions and single hand push hands. Their mastery takes longer(i don't profess to be a master).


It is through these that we practice the principles and theories described in the classics. Form should be taught concurrently with these drills so that they can enrich each other.


But different people like teaching... and learning in different ways



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