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Bagua zhang? stav? rare-ish martial arts?


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Ok here's the shameless plug. I run tai chi chuan classes at the source near meadowhall tuesday evenings 7:15 1hr 30mins duration and wednesday mornings 6:45 1hr duration the source charge £4 for both of these sessions.


Tuesday evenings we do hand form but the session is usually more martial with conditioning, two person drills and weapons for those learning them.


Wednesday mornings is a gentler session and a good way to start the day.



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your classes sound interesting to me, n_tomo


i admire your ability to get up so early in the morning!


i checked out your school's website and there is a class on the saturday afternoon that i might be able to make - quite busy with work, music studio and girlfriend in another city, but i really want to get some more pushing hands done


might be able to change days that i do stuff in the new year - really want to get more into the application side of tai chi


the style of tai chi that you practise, wudang, is very similar to wu style - i checked out some of the video footage - wudang apparently derives from wu style - i don't think that i want to have to learn another style's form until i can do this one well!


could be a bit confusing, but maybe training with wudang stylists could give me more insight into wu style


i'm looking forward to hearing if nigsmig gets a group together

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Haha Not sure how long those wed morning classes will stay going for, they aren't popular at the moment. Am looking for other venues nearer the city.


Our style has two lineages one wu chien chuan via cheng wing kwong(wu's disciple) another via wang lan ting a student of both yang lu chan(the main man) and chen keng yun(of chen village). Your form is probably quite similar so I wouldn't make you learn ours from the outset (Your sabre form is probably identical).


Applications give the form a context and focus. Principles and theories, pushing hands drills nei gung exercises all these things nourish and feed and change each other. Thats just my opinion though.


Ah long distance girlfriend... i feel that pain. There often aren't enough hours in the day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a Bagua class about 1hr drive away im thinking of having a look in the New Year if I do ill let you know.



The woman I was chatting to was 1st class had 4 gold medals in wudang fist and sword. The competitions were in Hong Kong. Where she lives.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Davemantis


I think there is a Krav Maga class at the sorce but i dont know if they are any good best thing would be to pop over and have a look i think they are on a friday night 7 of 7.30 start??????????????????


Dave, Krav Maga is anything other than brains not brawn.


I did it for a year, and it is just dirty street fighting. Very effective, very quick to learn, but not at all an energy art. I understand it was developed in the 60s by the isreali military so they could quickly teach the troops to be deadly in hand to hand/knife combat.


Nigsmig... Im missing wing chun (thats how i ended up on here), you still going to eccy road sessions? I think i might come along one monday for a chuck about. Its been a while so i doubt i'll be doing any chucking, but am prepared to be chucked! :)


Guessed who i am yet?

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Hey Nigs,


probably wont be going this week, but i have been in contact with Mr C. Smith today and will probably turn up the week after.


If you need any more clues as to my identity, then you taught me much about wing chun (for which i am gratreful) and used to regularly chuck me about in a chi sao fashion at your old gaff, and simunyi (rip). sadly i think my 'skills' have since deteriorated to nowt, so im kinda gonna be starting afresh, since i cant fully remember the first form!


*reaches for Sam Kwok 'path to wing chun*


Im looking forward to trying my hand at it again though. Ive had a look at Joe Blacklers video on the Direct wing chun site, and he looks pretty handy at chi sao - id be intreagued to see you n him have a chuck about.


Is there any difference between Direct wing chun and the style which you taught us?


Anyroad, hope you're doin' ok and i'll more than likely see you soon...

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hi rustyfunk!

saw mr smith today who said both of you might come down to ecci rd club. excellent! there's nothing like a spot of theraputic violence.


joe's lineage is quite different to mine, his teacher coming from a wong shun leong group, and his personal interpretation puts different emphasis on parts of the wing chun cannon but he's a decent geezer and will get you kicking butt in no time at all!!


(he's also a bit handy when it comes to chee sau - metaphorically - keeps me on my toes)


see you soon and may the ma be with you.

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