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Is Europe Totally Dead

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looks like some countries in the euro zone are so far beyond repair and are so fragile, they will soon be collapsing as easy as a stack of playing cards


me thinks that the euro currency is on its last legs, so glad we stuck with the pound sterling


i also believe that most of europe will go under soon, it is that riddled with vile toxic debt that they will all bring each other down


what a happy world we live in, our kids and grand kids are going to be so lucky, what a life they will have


Is anyone else bored of a sensationalist media exaggerating this problem as if it were a major crisis that will destroy us all?


The so-called "crisis" is purely financial, it won't kill anyone,


People will continue to live in houses, raise families and go out to work, all that will change is that they might have to get by with a little less money in their pockets.

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People will continue to live in houses, raise families and go out to work, all that will change is that they might have to get by with .


A little less money :hihi: ………… that’s alright then, lets hope history doesn’t repeat its self.


The Wall Street Crash of 1929 (October 1929), also known as the Great Crash, and the Stock Market Crash of 1929, was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. The crash signaled the beginning of the 12-year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries and that did not end in the United States until the onset of American mobilization for World War II at the end of 1941.
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at the end of the day, governments have done nothing to punish the banks or impose enough sanctions to stop them ripping us off




so really, governments will never punish banks, because banks fund all their interests from the very top to the very bottom, end of, the banks rule us all

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You reckon that banks going bust would leave us all fine..? Wouldn't there have been any fall out from it..?


No, the banks going bust would be equally terrible Thanks to them, we are well and truely screwed. But can we please scotch the myth once and for all that is somehow something that WE did wrong, or has something to do with scroungers etc. This is what you are supposed to believe because you are being told to on a daily basis, but it's all propoganda to stop people lynching a) The Bankers, b) The government. Greece anybody?


It's the banks fault not ours. We're piddling little non-entities who are only useful as scapegoats. Get us all squabling amongst ourselves and the real criminals will get away scot free.


It wouldn't cure anything, but Id have at least liked to see the worst offenders in prison for fraud. In America over 100 bankers are in the nick for precisely the same behaviour. It's a start

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How would that have happened.


Savings are protected.

Pension investments go up and down anyway.

And mortgages would have continued to be paid to the liquidator in this case the government.


Hopefully you are right.


But the Governments guarentee isn't worth diddly squat if there's an economic meltdown. Money is just paper with no intrinsic value since it was released from the gold standard. Mega inflation (people running round with wheelbarrows full of the stuff to buy a loaf of bread as in pre war Germany) will soon take care of that.


Why do you think the canny investers have been heavily buying into gold since this whole thing started?

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