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Is Europe Totally Dead

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No, the banks going bust would be equally terrible Thanks to them, we are well and truely screwed. But can we please scotch the myth once and for all that is somehow something that WE did wrong, or has something to do with scroungers etc.


I'm not sure I said any of that... :confused:

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Hopefully you are right.


But the Governments guarentee isn't worth diddly squat if there's an economic meltdown. Money is just paper with no intrinsic value since it was released from the gold standard. Mega inflation (people running round with wheelbarrows full of the stuff to buy a loaf of bread as in pre war Germany) will soon take care of that.


Why do you think the canny investers have been heavily buying into gold since this whole thing started?


Your money is completely safe up to £85k per person in each institution. If the money is not there in the bank the government will print it. The spending power of your money will be reduced but you will get it back.


As for gold it's not really an investment but it is a hedge against inflation/deflation. It looks ridiculously expensive right now though. Some people argue that in deflationary times (which we may hit if we have a global depression) that cash is the best thing to hold.

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It's just people taking an interest in what is going to happen to them.


well that's clear for everyone to see ! Were all going to be skint or out of a job and skint we should (as a country) concentrate on the cuts starting with tearing up the human rights act and quickly drawing up the British bill of rights that would save a few million on it's own. Student doctors should be used to assess every single person on disability allowance that will save a few quid from the scammers.. All illegal immigrants should be shipped out that would save tons of money... Red tape for the police should be eradicated helping deal with crime AND save money... Overseas aid should virtually come to a standstill that would save money..... Let's look after ourselves and stop sticking our noses in other countries problems... Let's get back on our own 2 feet before helping others

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as the famous saying goes - charity begins at home


but, as a whole human race, we are no better than blood sucking vermin, leaching on each other like scum and bleeding planet earth dry, as a whole, throughout our history, we should most certainly be ashamed of ourselves, what a filth rotten mess we do to ourselves and mother earth, we should all jump off a cliff as we just do not have the maturity or creativity to sort this world out, we should definitely hit the reset and re-format button right now

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I've heard various economists on TV say Greece going into default on their debt is inevitable, even with another bailout.


I reckon the Greeks will reject the latest bailout at the referendum as they seem to reject any austerity measures. I hope they're planning now for an orderly exit of the Euro, they should get the coin minting machines and note printers fired up now to get their Drachmas ready.

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I've heard various economists on TV say Greece going into default on their debt is inevitable, even with another bailout.


I reckon the Greeks will reject the latest bailout at the referendum as they seem to reject any austerity measures. I hope they're planning now for an orderly exit of the Euro, they should get the coin minting machines and note printers fired up now to get their Drachmas ready.


Hell's bells.

A new low in my life. I agree with this.


Apart from the obvious shock at that news, he's right, Europe's daft Mickey Mouse money is slightly safer when the cretins in Greece leave and print their own worthless cash instead of using the Euro worthless cash.


Of course the Euro will still die but it'll take a few months longer to snuff it.

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