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Is Europe Totally Dead

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. But can we please scotch the myth once and for all that is somehow something that WE did wrong, or has something to do with scroungers etc.


We have to go right back to the basics and we all get those flyers offering unrealistic loans don’t we.


Its easy to blame the banks but they are only providing a service, slap it all on the credit card and when it all goes wrong blame that nasty bank that gave you the credit card. :roll:

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blame that nasty bank that gave you the credit card. :roll:


Bugger me. You mean it was all the fault of the greedy idiots who spent all the cash they didn't have in a bid to keep up with the bloke next door who was spending all his money he didn't have?


Saw it happen, realised they were all idiots and made sure I wasn't part of the cretin club.


The first interest rate rise saw a sudden drop in spending and that rang ruddy great alarm bells for me so I made sure I got rid of any debt and tossed my credit cards in the bin.


The people that were caught out were all victims of their own greed and stupidity.

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Bugger me. You mean it was all the fault of the greedy idiots who spent all the cash they didn't have in a bid to keep up with the bloke next door who was spending all his money he didn't have?




Like me it seems you don’t seek to blame others for our folly


Is that the postman I can hear ……….. I can have a £10,000 loan, yep happy xmas. :rolleyes:

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We have to go right back to the basics and we all get those flyers offering unrealistic loans don’t we.


Its easy to blame the banks but they are only providing a service, slap it all on the credit card and when it all goes wrong blame that nasty bank that gave you the credit card. :roll:


I'm practically speechless...


Banks only providing a service? This went out in the 1950's.


Banks are hardnosed businesses that are all about making money, tons of it, only for themselves. Hence their ability to pay billions in bonuses to the most ruthless. We are useful to them only inasmuch as they can flog things to us at a profit. When that wanes we are cut adrift as they pile into hedgefunds and commodities. Why do you think food prices are rocketing? Are they providing a service to the poor when prices rise to the point where people starve as is happening in parts of the world?

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I'm practically speechless...


Banks only providing a service? This went out in the 1950's.


Banks are hardnosed businesses that are all about making money,


Get real ………….. any business that isn’t making money wont be around for long ……….. as for going back to the 50`s, if that’s the type of account you want they are still out there.


My mother as a pass book with the bank and another with a building society, no cards, no loans, no insurance or any of the other “ services” they try to sell ……… if you just want a “spending account and a saving account” in can still be done.

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I'm practically speechless...


Banks only providing a service? This went out in the 1950's.


Banks are hardnosed businesses that are all about making money, tons of it, only for themselves. Hence their ability to pay billions in bonuses to the most ruthless. We are useful to them only inasmuch as they can flog things to us at a profit. When that wanes we are cut adrift as they pile into hedgefunds and commodities. Why do you think food prices are rocketing? Are they providing a service to the poor when prices rise to the point where people starve as is happening in parts of the world?


Did the banks actually twist the arms of borrowers then ?


Nobody was forced to buy that Range Rover Sport, that iPhone4 or that holiday home in the Maldives, were they?


People have always starved in the world, and will always continue to do so whilst people remain uneducated by their dictatorial governments.


Wake up and smell the (fairtrade) Coffee.



PS Back on Topic. I'm not sure if Europe is totally borked yet, but I reckon the Greek PM might be. (Don't worry though the Euro won't be far behind, and If the Greeks do default we might start to get some excellent value for money holidays :) )

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it is funny aint it, all the governments and politicians of the world are all panicking like mad right now like it is world war 3, they are all scared to death that if one country goes under they will bring the rest down


but, us paying public on here could not really give a toss, let it burn to hell as far as i say


i do not work so am not a slave to the system, and if i was homeless on the street i would start a movement, share tents and go travelling, not a bad life, could be worse

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Banks only providing a service? Banks are hardnosed businesses that are all about making money, tons of it, only for themselves. Hence their ability to pay billions in bonuses to the most ruthless. We are useful to them only inasmuch as they can flog things to us at a profit. When that wanes we are cut adrift as they pile into hedgefunds and commodities. Why do you think food prices are rocketing? Are they providing a service to the poor when prices rise to the point where people starve as is happening in parts of the world?
Interesting how you do not differentiate between the (everyday) commercial arm of banks, which hasn't changed that much since 'the 50s' (save for technological progress such as ATMs, payment cards, etc...all of which services/conveniences have a cost), and the (hardnosed) trading arm.


Those arguments of yours only apply to the trading arms of banks, and there's a reason the Gvt's commissioned report in the issue recommends to clearly and unambiguously 'cleave' these arms apart as distinct and unrelated corporate entities within banking groups.


As for laying all the blame at the banks' doors, I'm with convert on that one. And I have been since the very beginning, in fact since way before 2007, having witnessed first-hand the greed and cupidity of many Irish and British buying parcels of Med coastline and upgrading their German luxobarges annually, all of it on the never-never with 'released equity' that was only there but for their national property bubble.


Last I checked, the banks never forced anyone to keep up with the Joneses, it's always been a personal choice. It's time people faced up to their responsibilities (that includes the banks which lent irresponsibly, btw...just not only the banks).

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