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Is Europe Totally Dead

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Anyhow, back to the op. Re: Is Europe Totally Dead.


Yes, but it just does not know it.






"Is Europe Totally Dead"


Yes. It just does not know it - yet.






Nothing like making your point of view clear Angel :D

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No, the banks going bust would be equally terrible Thanks to them, we are well and truely screwed. But can we please scotch the myth once and for all that is somehow something that WE did wrong, or has something to do with scroungers etc. This is what you are supposed to believe because you are being told to on a daily basis, but it's all propoganda to stop people lynching a) The Bankers, b) The government. Greece anybody?


It's the banks fault not ours. We're piddling little non-entities who are only useful as scapegoats. Get us all squabling amongst ourselves and the real criminals will get away scot free.


It wouldn't cure anything, but Id have at least liked to see the worst offenders in prison for fraud. In America over 100 bankers are in the nick for precisely the same behaviour. It's a start


I think we need to take some responsibility. It was people taking mortgages they couldn't afford that started the problem.

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