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Is Europe Totally Dead

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We're piddling little non-entities who are only useful as scapegoats. Get us all squabling amongst ourselves and the real criminals will get away scot free.


Is that the new motto for Sheffield Forum? If not, it should be.


OK, some people blame those who took out huge mortgages, loans etc. Nobody made them do it, did they? But then they're the 'little non-entities'.


However, when a 'bigger non-entity' (Greece) lied about their financial affairs in a way that would make Mandelson blush, it was dressed up in Euro-buffoonery, with motorbike outriders, gold pens and armies of lickspittles. So that's OK, then.


We're in trouble, no doubt about it. But it wasn't people going into their bank and (rightly or wrongly) overstretching themselves. It's the bloody politicians and their cohorts in the financial institutions to blame for all his.


Panorama summed it up last night. It was about the folly of putting all our eggs in the 'green' basket re. future energy sources (Hmm. Been windy these last few days, hasn't it?). Bills are predicted to treble by 2020 but the execrable Chris Huhne wasn't bothered. Like all politicians, he's got his eye on his next job. No doubt on the board of some energy supplier.

While it's good, healthy and democratic (remember that?) to have open debate about 'who is to blame', as Anna B says, 'the real criminals are getting away with it.'

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In America salesmen were going door to door in subprime areas trying to persuade people to take out a mortgage to buy their own properties, supported by paperwork that showed them how they would be paying less to buy the place than paying rent.


A mortgage was simply a product to be sold and it got the hard sell like any other product.

No. A mortgage is what the borrower (mortgagor) grants to the lender (mortgagee), as security in exchange for either:

a. a loan/advance which the mortgagee makes to the mortgagor; or

b. continuation of a debt already owed by the mortgagor to the mortgagee.

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It wasn’t me guv ………. I didn’t want that nice new house or the car or the foreign holiday or the new kitchen ……….. it was all the banks fault, they kept sending me junk mail and twisted my arm until I had to say yes. :roll::roll:


For gods sake get a grip and own up to your own responsibilities. we are wanting the Greek people to get their house in order but I think some should look closer to home.

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The greek pm is on his way to resign and the italian pm has just declared he is going to resign after an italian budget bill has been passed, what ever that is


jesus, all we need now is the german, spanish and french leaders to resign and we will definitely have some crazy stuff going on

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No, but the EU is (almost). Roll-on its funeral.


Sad little Englander Alert :roll:


Do we really want a Europe of seperate, indepent nations competing against one another and not trusting one another, and individually not having a slowflakes hope in hell's chance of competing with or having an influence over the US, China, Russia or even India?

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jesus, all we need now is the german, spanish and french leaders to resign and we will definitely have some crazy stuff going on


Unlikey, the French and Germans have the rest of the Eurzone countries dancing to their tune. If anything has been shown over the last few weeks, it's just how anti-democratic Europe is (by that I mean the Eurozone and by extension the EU), all to save the Franco-German pet project, their precious Euro.

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The most vehement Eurosceptics in this country are sad little Englanders who have this fantasy that England/Britain is still a great empire nation, and wealthy Tory types who want European travel to be the preserve of the wealthy Tory type, because, heaven forbid the rest of us plebs being able to travel easily around Europe and broaden our horizons.

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