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Israel Considers Pre-Emptive Attack On Iran

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Israeli terrorists hell-bent on starting WW3.




Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran, according to government sources.


The country's defence minister Ehud Barak and the foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman are said to be among those backing a pre-emptive strike to neutralise Iran's nuclear ambitions.


But a narrow majority of ministers currently oppose the move, which could trigger a wave of regional retaliation.


The debate over possible Israeli military action has reached fever pitch in recent days with newspaper leader columns discussing the benefits and dangers of hitting Iran.



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Israelis hell-bent on avoiding WW3, I think you mean.


How sick. Do you really think the Middle East (and the entire planet) will be safer once Israel engages in a full-blown war with Iran ?



And consequently, not willing to see a country which has dedicated itself to the complete annihilation of Israel...


Really ? - sounds like nonsense from the Zionists again. Nowhere has Iran stated what you've alleged. Judging by what we've read here, it's Israel that wishes to wipe Iran off the map.


Pity that Israel is not a NATO member. That would give those nut-jobs in Iran pause for thought.


Hmmm.. so what do you call those freaks like Nutanyahu and Liberman who are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Iranians via their cowardly attacks on Iran ?


Are they sane to you ?

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How sick. Do you really think the Middle East (and the entire planet) will be safer once Israel engages in a full-blown war with Iran ?





Really ? - sounds like nonsense from the Zionists again. Nowhere has Iran stated what you've alleged. Judging by what we've read here, it's Israel that wishes to wipe Iran off the map.


Hmmm.. so what do you call those freaks like Nutanyahu and Liberman who are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Iranians via their cowardly attacks on Iran ?


Are they sane to you ?


Of course. I forgot that Iran was "misquoted" about Israel disappearing from the map.

I have a beautiful bridge for sale in the desert if you're interested.:rolleyes:

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