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Israel Considers Pre-Emptive Attack On Iran

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Wipe the whole of the middle east off the map that way we might get some peace !




Intel's second generation i-core chips have been designed in Israel. They're highly technological and produce good ****.


I'm for taking out most of the Arabs including the 'palestinians' and Iran.


I'd leave northern Lebanon because the food is good and the chicks are hot.


Might keep the western side of Turkey too


Other than that, I'm up for some wiping off maps.

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Israeli terrorists hell-bent on starting WW3.




Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to rally support in his cabinet for an attack on Iran, according to government sources.






Carefull you will be labled a antisemetic

If you don't support the policys of a country Which for a fact has broken more international laws than all the other nations on this planet put together -


Now that is a feat of politics if you ask me -



Any way if we are not in ww3 already


With attacks , occupation , bombings being carried out in








The attacking Iran will defo be ww3 !


Has Iran eve attacked it's neighbors ?

Any one ?

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Carefull you will be labled a antisemetic

If you don't support the policys of a country Which for a fact has broken more international laws than all the other nations on this planet put together -


Now that is a feat of politics if you ask me -



Any way if we are not in ww3 already


With attacks , occupation , bombings being carried out in








The attacking Iran will defo be ww3 !


Has Iran eve attacked it's neighbors ?

Any one ?


What common factor links all the nations you mention who are in turmoil?...

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Has Iran eve attacked it's neighbors ?

Any one ?


Is this the same Iran that used suicide bomber in 1983 to kill over 250 American and French peace keepers in Lebanon.


The same Iran that bombed Jewish centres in Argentina killing almost 100?


The same Iran that established suicide bomber brigades against the Iraqis?


The same Iran that set up, funded and arms Hezbollah who have committed acts of terrorism globally against western targets?


Iran that has hijacked Lebanon and paralysed that country?


Iran that is funding the slaughter of civilians in Syria?


Iran that funds Hamas and sends them weapons?


Iran that helped Shia terrorists kill British troops in Iraq?


Iran that's helping the Taliban with weapons in Afghanistan?


Iran - the same country that every neighbouring Arab state has been begging the US to hit before they acquire nuclear weapons?

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