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Dinner women!! Who do they think they are?

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Why are most dinner women power crazed idiots! Who died and made them god? My 4 yr old says they check his lunch box to see what I'VE given him to eat and then when he's finished he has to raise his hand for them to check to see if he's eaten enough, if THEY think he hasnt then they make him stay and eat more?? How dare they! My child is fit and healthy, slim and has wholemeal bread for sandwiches, a bag of fruit, a actimel and a biscuit or cracker and cheese, So its not as if ive got a fat child and im filling his box with junk!, Dinner women have always been the same, i remember at my school being practically force fed carrots even tho i didnt like them and they didnt give me a xmas cracker because i wouldnt eat the carrots. Point is if my 4 yr old is full, and hes not a greedy child or wasteful he should be aloud to leave i dont like the idea of some woman deciding if my childs eaten enough! Ok rant over :hihi:

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And the school are enforcing Government policy.


Whilst it might seem a little harsh, especially on good parents, I think it is good that someone is watching what our little ones eat.

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those women are the ones who spot abused kids with empty boxes, fat kids with chocolate boxes etc


they are doing a great job. your child is not above their policy to check what he is eating



the biggest point here is your taking the words of a 4 yr old and using them to get annoyed at some hard working and caring women. your child is in school for a long time some "woman" will be deciding if he has eaten enough, ran far enough, played enough and worked enough. its their jobs. let them get on with it

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We had the Dinner Lady from Hell at our school, Mrs Gaunt.


She had so much power she could make children miss classes in the afternoon because she'd told them to stand, facing, against a wall and not to move until she said.


Hitler in a housecoat, but with a similar moustache. Salford c1975

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And the school are enforcing Government policy.


Whilst it might seem a little harsh, especially on good parents, I think it is good that someone is watching what our little ones eat.


Thats what the op did. She lovingly prepared a healthy lunch only to have the gistapo (who in my experience are usualy fat anyway) check to see if it was made with enough love. Dinner ladies!! Pah, as bad as Hitler, Almost as bad as doctors recpetionists.

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Why are most dinner women power crazed idiots! Who died and made them god? My 4 yr old says they check his lunch box to see what I'VE given him to eat and then when he's finished he has to raise his hand for them to check to see if he's eaten enough, if THEY think he hasnt then they make him stay and eat more?? How dare they! My child is fit and healthy, slim and has wholemeal bread for sandwiches, a bag of fruit, a actimel and a biscuit or cracker and cheese, So its not as if ive got a fat child and im filling his box with junk!, Dinner women have always been the same, i remember at my school being practically force fed carrots even tho i didnt like them and they didnt give me a xmas cracker because i wouldnt eat the carrots. Point is if my 4 yr old is full, and hes not a greedy child or wasteful he should be aloud to leave i dont like the idea of some woman deciding if my childs eaten enough! Ok rant over :hihi:


Do you do any differently when your child is in your care? Do you allow your child to set meal times at home?


I could see the point if the dinner lady was force feeding with a plunger.

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those women are the ones who spot abused kids with empty boxes, fat kids with chocolate boxes etc


they are doing a great job. your child is not above their policy to check what he is eating



the biggest point here is your taking the words of a 4 yr old and using them to get annoyed at some hard working and caring women. your child is in school for a long time some "woman" will be deciding if he has eaten enough, ran far enough, played enough and worked enough. its their jobs. let them get on with it


My bold.

Utter clap trap.

They cant even spot a pair of persistant bullies who have terrorised the other kids for almost 2 years.

The animals do all their 'best work' at lunch yet not a single dinner lady has seen a sinlgle incident in all that time.

Must be all the paperwork that gives them the temp blindness they seem to suffer.

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