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Dinner women!! Who do they think they are?

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My bold.

Utter clap trap.

They cant even spot a pair of persistant bullies who have terrorised the other kids for almost 2 years.

The animals do all their 'best work' at lunch yet not a single dinner lady has seen a sinlgle incident in all that time.

Must be all the paperwork that gives them the temp blindness they seem to suffer.


i work in between 70 and 90 primary schools per year. i know what i am talking about.

Have you ever been in a school dining hall and watched? have you ever sat in the staffroom when a dinner lady has come to the staffroom door to find a particular teacher as a child in her class has missbehaved.


i have, many times.

this is one of those times when your just plain wrong.

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Why are most dinner women power crazed idiots! Who died and made them god? My 4 yr old says they check his lunch box to see what I'VE given him to eat and then when he's finished he has to raise his hand for them to check to see if he's eaten enough, if THEY think he hasnt then they make him stay and eat more?? How dare they! My child is fit and healthy, slim and has wholemeal bread for sandwiches, a bag of fruit, a actimel and a biscuit or cracker and cheese, So its not as if ive got a fat child and im filling his box with junk!, Dinner women have always been the same, i remember at my school being practically force fed carrots even tho i didnt like them and they didnt give me a xmas cracker because i wouldnt eat the carrots. Point is if my 4 yr old is full, and hes not a greedy child or wasteful he should be aloud to leave i dont like the idea of some woman deciding if my childs eaten enough! Ok rant over :hihi:


My mum was a dinner lady,and as you predicted she is fat and miserable.She did however sort out kids whose parents were less caring than you appear to be .Why dont you give your kid a special baseball cap to wear at dinner -time,exempting him from this onerous experience?By the way dimnner ladies receive about £10 per session thats £50 per week,or about £1950 per annum.I presume they only do it for the power kick of bossing young kids,and for the apprciation shown by generous warm-hearted parents such as yourself.Power to the people Citroen Bleue!

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Ah, you are one of those parents are you. You don't like anyone telling your child what to do etc etc etc. Sums it up really. And, it seems you have a chip on your shoulder too.


Tell me, does your child dictate things in your house?


That happens all the time now Agent Orange, the child is father to the man. If I had complained about being told off by an adult to my parents, I would have been told off again for being cheeky or even sent to bed and we didn't have TV's in our bedrooms and I wouldn't have been allowed down until I was told. If I had a crying fit like you see with some children I'd have had a clip and told if I wanted something to cry for that was it. It did me no harm, it didn't happen often and I had a wonderful childhood, my parents loved me and my brother:love:

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Aspartame has a lot to answer for.


See i watch for all that aswell, some friends think im OTT because i dont let him guzzle fizzy drinks, I just want the best for him and if he likes the healthier option then all the better, I understand the dinner women serve a purpose but sometimes they take it too far

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My bold.

Utter clap trap.

They cant even spot a pair of persistant bullies who have terrorised the other kids for almost 2 years.

The animals do all their 'best work' at lunch yet not a single dinner lady has seen a sinlgle incident in all that time.

Must be all the paperwork that gives them the temp blindness they seem to suffer.


The dinner ladies are meals supervisors and if there is bullying it is a matter for the teaching staff.this will be made clear in the school handbook which you have presumably read,but conveniently overlooked.are you describing other children as animals?Are you setting an apprpriate attitude?This may explain why your child does not fit in with others,and may even explain the bullying

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i work in between 70 and 90 primary schools per year. i know what i am talking about.

Have you ever been in a school dining hall and watched? have you ever sat in the staffroom when a dinner lady has come to the staffroom door to find a particular teacher as a child in her class has missbehaved.


i have, many times.

this is one of those times when your just plain wrong.


My bold.

Right back at ya.

Ill tell you the name of the school if you like.

By pm though, just tell me what it is you do and ill let you have the name.

Go look for yourself :)

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See i watch for all that aswell, some friends think im OTT because i dont let him guzzle fizzy drinks, I just want the best for him and if he likes the healthier option then all the better, I understand the dinner women serve a purpose but sometimes they take it too far


Thing is, bluevan, it isn't just about you and your kid. The lunch supervisors have a responsibility to check that all the kids are getting the right food in the right amounts. For every parent like you, there will be another who doesn't give a stuff what goes into the lunchbox.


How are the dinner staff to know who to check, unless they check everyone?

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The dinner ladies are meals supervisors and if there is bullying it is a matter for the teaching staff.this will be made clear in the school handbook which you have presumably read,but conveniently overlooked.are you describing other children as animals?Are you setting an apprpriate attitude?This may explain why your child does not fit in with others,and may even explain the bullying


School handbooks and rules shouldnt stop an adult from stopping some animal attacking half the school over 2 years.

Unless of course you think its ok for them to look the other way.

Do you?

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