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Dinner women!! Who do they think they are?

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My mums a dinner lady. Do you understand that some days they have their work cut out? You get kids who bin their dinner if they get the chance, the one's who will swap 2 sandwiches and an apple for a chocolate biscuit. You get kids who just give their dinner away, or those who just dont eat it. There are kids who at 4/5 years old come to school and cant use a knife and fork, kids who wont eat food if any other food is touching it. And those that come up to the dinner lady as the bell rings to go back to class and say " Mrs X. I've not had my dinner yet!" Even when the whistle has been blown 3 times and the class shouted for lunch 3 times. And then you get the parents who dont like the story's their little darlings come home telling about the dinner ladies so they insist on coming in and sitting with their child while they eat lunch. It does not matter how healthy/happy/hungry you think your little one is,at school away from mummy and daddy they can be little monkeys where food is concerned. Id be happy my son was being monitored. I'd guess you would be the first to complain if he brought his food home untouched?

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My 4 year old grand daughter started school in September. She takes packed lunches, pretty healthy ones, usually with water to drink. However, she sometimes needs encouragement to eat so I'm glad there are dinner ladies who keep an eye on the small ones. I'm fairly sure that in her little school there won't be many children (if any) who don't get a decent packed lunch, but how sad if there were and no one picked up on it.


I'd much rather see a system where all the children are watched over than none.


Its a huge change from my school days back in the 50s, no menus, no choice, no packed lunches, just eat what we were given or lump it. :roll:

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Thats what the op did. She lovingly prepared a healthy lunch only to have the gistapo (who in my experience are usualy fat anyway) check to see if it was made with enough love. Dinner ladies!! Pah, as bad as Hitler, Almost as bad as doctors recpetionists.


Bit rich coming from a BNP member.

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My bold.

Utter clap trap.

They cant even spot a pair of persistant bullies who have terrorised the other kids for almost 2 years.

The animals do all their 'best work' at lunch yet not a single dinner lady has seen a sinlgle incident in all that time.

Must be all the paperwork that gives them the temp blindness they seem to suffer.


I didn't realise lunch time supervisors had to do paperwork now. The only paperwork usually done is to write accidents, however minor, in the accident book.

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Most supervisors check on the young ones, or the known fussy eaters and encourage (not force) them to eat a little more, say if they have eaten only one sandwich.


As for playground bullying, any supervisor who dismisses this as just childhood pranks, or ignore it, shouldn't be in the job.


I was a lunch time supervisor for years and absolutely loved my job. I worked both sites, alternating between the infant and junior site ... And each site needed a different approach to "bullying".


I was a lunch time supervisor who hugged when needed too, because sometimes that's all a lonely child needs.


I'm still called MRS when I'm out in town and enjoying a glass of wine whilst my grown up students enjoy their alcohol ... Lol.

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those women are the ones who spot abused kids with empty boxes, fat kids with chocolate boxes etc

they are doing a great job. your child is not above their policy to check what he is eating

the biggest point here is your taking the words of a 4 yr old and using them to get annoyed at some hard working and caring women. your child is in school for a long time some "woman" will be deciding if he has eaten enough, ran far enough, played enough and worked enough. its their jobs. let them get on with it


Thank you for that, I couldn't have said it better myself. 4 year old children are far more interested in getting out to play sometimes than they are in eating their food. You need to check that they've had enough to ensure they won't be hungry during the afternoon. A caring lunchtime supervisor soon gets to know which children eat a lot and which ones tend to pick at their lunches so judgement is based on that. And no-one can force a child to eat - you can suggest they eat a bit more but if they refuse, then that's that. The food goes home in the lunchbox anyway so that parents can see how little has gone. Some lunchboxes do literally contain a chocolate bar and a bag of crisps and that needs to be addressed.


Lunchtime supervisors are there to look after your children while the teachers have a short break (except that most of them work through their lunchtimes anyway). They pick up your children when they're hurt, clean them up, comfort them, laugh with them, play with them and are told more stuff about family life than you'd probably be comfortable with! And increasingly, teach them to use cutlery too. In addition to that, they clean up the dining hall after them. And all for an absolute pittance.

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