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Dinner women!! Who do they think they are?

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My mums a dinner lady. Do you understand that some days they have their work cut out? You get kids who bin their dinner if they get the chance, the one's who will swap 2 sandwiches and an apple for a chocolate biscuit. You get kids who just give their dinner away, or those who just dont eat it. There are kids who at 4/5 years old come to school and cant use a knife and fork, kids who wont eat food if any other food is touching it. And those that come up to the dinner lady as the bell rings to go back to class and say " Mrs X. I've not had my dinner yet!" Even when the whistle has been blown 3 times and the class shouted for lunch 3 times. And then you get the parents who dont like the story's their little darlings come home telling about the dinner ladies so they insist on coming in and sitting with their child while they eat lunch. It does not matter how healthy/happy/hungry you think your little one is,at school away from mummy and daddy they can be little monkeys where food is concerned. Id be happy my son was being monitored. I'd guess you would be the first to complain if he brought his food home untouched?


You are fantastic, what a brilliant post! Are you sure your mum doesn't work in the same school as I do?! And of course, the other problem you have to look out for if children start swapping their food is allergies. That's why it's not allowed.

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I didn't realise they were so trained as it's usually the mucky kids mum's at our school that do the job-you know the kind, the one's usually to bring nits into school or you see them outside the pub on a Friday still in their uniform whilst mum and dad are getting drunk inside.


You nasty insulting little man.


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You nasty insulting little man.


And why am I, you pathetic old woman? I was talking about the school MY children go to. Are you more aware of what goes on in this school? It's far more accurate than your fairy-tale on in post 60. If people believed your rubbish applied to all schools we would believe that dinner ladies float about in some heavenly glow.


Get real, some dinner ladies are good, some should not be in the job-simple as.


So you think it's ok for a dinner lady to text whilst looking after children?

Do you think it's ok for a dinner lady to text whilst another kid is getting beaten a few yards away?


Because yo seem to think all dinner ladies are fantastic-yet the ones at my childs school are not-which are the one's I was commenting on you horrid little lady.


(Odds on her reporting me for simply standing up to her bullying?) In fact, were you the school bully? Seems if I don't agree you resort to name calling-very mature.

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And why am I, you pathetic old woman? I was talking about the school MY children go to. Are you more aware of what goes on in this school? It's far more accurate than your fairy-tale on in post 60. If people believed your rubbish applied to all schools we would believe that dinner ladies float about in some heavenly glow.


Get real, some dinner ladies are good, some should not be in the job-simple as.


You just lost your argument in those four nasty little words (my bold)

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You just lost your argument in those four nasty little words (my bold)


I was replying her name calling, is it wrong to stand up for myself if I'm not the 'in crowd'?


EDIT: I notice from another thread your of the opinion that name calling is acceptable on a public forum.

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Doesn't this post say so much more about you than me?


Yes, it says I stand up for myself when bullied.


You see, you cannot go around insulting people just because they have a different view. In fact my view was only aimed at one school.

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(Odds on her reporting me for simply standing up to her bullying?) In fact, were you the school bully? Seems if I don't agree you resort to name calling-very mature.


I have no idea where this "bullying" idea has come from. You actually could not be further from the truth with the idea of me bullying anyone. And you thoroughly deserved to be called that name, I'd do it again and wouldn't care if I was banned for doing it. You have no right to assume that all dinnerladies cannot do their job. Yes, we have people who don't pull their weight which makes it harder for the rest of us. Texting is certainly not allowed and *if* you have seen that, then you should report it.

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You nasty insulting little man. At least 3 of our people have degrees so there's no lack of education, along with the ongoing first aid, safeguarding children courses etc. Some of us love our job and take it extremely seriously. The children become very fond of us in turn. I was recently away with a serious illness & when I came back I was surrounded by children hugging me and asking where I'd been. When I told them what had been wrong, one girl looked up at me very worried and said, "But you could have DIED from that" and grabbed me in a huge hug. I must admit I had tears in my eyes at that point. Not quite the picture you paint, eh?


I painted no picture of you at all-I don't even know you. For one more time-I was aiming this at one school.


Also, are you allowed to edit after someone quoted-this was added after. Quite devious.

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I have no idea where this "bullying" idea has come from. You actually could not be further from the truth with the idea of me bullying anyone. And you thoroughly deserved to be called that name, I'd do it again and wouldn't care if I was banned for doing it. You have no right to assume that all dinnerladies cannot do their job. Yes, we have people who don't pull their weight which makes it harder for the rest of us. Texting is certainly not allowed and *if* you have seen that, then you should report it.


One more time- the post was aimed at one school-can you understand that?

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