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Dinner women!! Who do they think they are?

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I have no idea where this "bullying" idea has come from. You actually could not be further from the truth with the idea of me bullying anyone. And you thoroughly deserved to be called that name, I'd do it again and wouldn't care if I was banned for doing it. You have no right to assume that all dinnerladies cannot do their job. Yes, we have people who don't pull their weight which makes it harder for the rest of us. Texting is certainly not allowed and *if* you have seen that, then you should report it.


That is bullying- name calling. At least it did when I was at school. In those days the dinner ladies stopped it. Do dinner ladies now evaluate whether it was acceptable in schools now.

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Whatever you say mate. I have work to go to.


What do you mean by this.


I don't know you and you edited after I quote-so which is it. Do I know you or are you claiming the full post was there from the beginning.


Typical bully, back tracking and lying to get out of trouble.

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Why are most dinner women power crazed idiots! Who died and made them god? My 4 yr old says they check his lunch box to see what I'VE given him to eat and then when he's finished he has to raise his hand for them to check to see if he's eaten enough, if THEY think he hasnt then they make him stay and eat more?? How dare they! My child is fit and healthy, slim and has wholemeal bread for sandwiches, a bag of fruit, a actimel and a biscuit or cracker and cheese, So its not as if ive got a fat child and im filling his box with junk!, Dinner women have always been the same, i remember at my school being practically force fed carrots even tho i didnt like them and they didnt give me a xmas cracker because i wouldnt eat the carrots. Point is if my 4 yr old is full, and hes not a greedy child or wasteful he should be aloud to leave i dont like the idea of some woman deciding if my childs eaten enough! Ok rant over :hihi:





I keep a note in my kids lunch box, tell them to phone me if they have an issue with what I feed my kid. Stress they cause my child over nothing.

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What do you mean by this.


I don't know you and you edited after I quote-so which is it. Do I know you or are you claiming the full post was there from the beginning.


Typical bully, back tracking and lying to get out of trouble.


no body should be name calling but your calling her devious for editing her post after you quoted her when infact if you read back you also edited your post after mumkin quoted you so why are you clinging on to the fact she added in extra?

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I keep a note in my kids lunch box, tell them to phone me if they have an issue with what I feed my kid. Stress they cause my child over nothing.


That's a good idea. When my daughter was in nursery but having dinners I tried to get her to eat at home, before we went in, and if she did I would just tell them not to expect much as she'd had some at home.


If I didn't tell them the nursery workers would tell me at the end of the day whether she had eaten much or not.

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no body should be name calling but your calling her devious for editing her post after you quoted her when infact if you read back you also edited your post after mumkin quoted you so why are you clinging on to the fact she added in extra?


I was in the middle of a rant and there was 4 minutes difference between my reply and mumkins-there was over 30 minutes between mine and irenes meaning she took a conscious decision to do this.

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Can I also say that I have nothing at all against Irene-her posts are normally well thought-out and fair, however, I took great offence at her post (she did mine, but as I've said a few times now-this is about the one school) so I reacted in the same way.

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This is the problem these days, everyone is too protective of their kids and always over reacts at any slight thing. Back int' day (am only 27) my dad would give me a slap if I questioned a teacher and would be more than happy that someone is watching what I eat.

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This is the problem these days, everyone is too protective of their kids and always over reacts at any slight thing. Back int' day (am only 27) my dad would give me a slap if I questioned a teacher and would be more than happy that someone is watching what I eat.


I agree, but there should be a balance. For example, I don't think it still happens, but at the school my children go to they are allowed to bring a drink of water. One job given to the older kids was to go around on the bottle stands and smell peoples drinks to make sure it's water.

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