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Has anyone claimed for injury in a car crash?

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has anyone claimed for injury in a car crash?. recently i had a little scrap, nothing major but of course since then i have had no end of calls from person injury specialist, even though i have told the insurance people that there were no injury, and that it only involved two people. but recent conversation with the PIS, they seem determined i should claim for this and that injury. now whats your experience of this sort of scam?

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I did claim, but it was over 15 years ago and the claim was at my instigation because of the neck and chest injuries I sustained in the crash.


I abhor this current system of hounding people until they put in a claim. In my opinion it is a scam and I object to everybody who pays for their car insurance having to pay more because of it.

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If you do have a personal injury claim I recommend you go to a law firm who specialises in this work. I have had a text this week asking me about the compensation am due, not even had an accident! And tonight at work, in a law firm, I answered 7 calls from the same claims farm in less than an hour.


I am not going to say who I work for, but there are good, professional, hard working, law firms out there and they would not be making unsolicited phone calls.

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I claimed on one a few years back, as a passenger, when a car went into the back of us. As I recall, I wasn't hounded by anyone, I made the claim through my own solicitors.


I have noticed the current obsession with claiming for injuries and I get those annoying text messages occasionally, asking if I've been in an accident. You see the advertisements on TV all the time now as well; we're slowly taking on that favorite American pastime of suing for ridiculous things like slipping on a puddle or tripping up in the street. It's pathetic.

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yes i heard on radio 4 today that the areas with most claims have the most law firm that do this sort of business. which they are linking with putting up drivers premiums in those areas they had a 54 year old man, who drove a 7 year old Peugeot and has never claimed in 26 years of driving, got a number of quotes from around the country. which ranged from 300 pounds, to over 1500. its outrageous the way insurance companies make their profits. in scotland this didn't happen as the law regulates the law firms more strictly there.

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i think i heard on the news that the government are going to outlaw this no win no fee practice


I'm not so sure that's a good idea, because many people - including those who genuinely deserve compensation - may not be able to afford to sue to get it.


One of the problems is the word 'compensation'. It does not mean 'enrichment'. The purpose of compensation is to put the victim (as far as is possible) back into the state (s)he was in before the accident.


I was involved in an accident about 12 years ago. It was the other driver's fault. - He pulled out to overtake a lorry on double white lines, lost control and hit me head on. It was a spectacular accident (closing speed about 90mph.) He survived and when he was fit enough to appear in court, was convicted of dangerous driving.


My car (a 15 year old Volvo, in pristine condition) was a write-off. I) got £500 for that. (The car was worth more to me, but I could've bought a similar car for £500, so that's what I got.


My employer paid me sick pay while I was off work, so my employer was refunded the amount paid (fair enough.) I was paid for the clothing I was wearing (it was a write-off, but it wasn't good clothing. I got about £25 for that. (Fair, I didn't get rich.)


I received about £250 for 'pain, suffering and loss of amenity' - broken ribs, cuts and bruises. They hurt - but they heal. I couldn't dress myself for a while (couldn't bend to put my shoes on) so my son tied my laces.


I didn't make a profit - I probably lost about £20.


I had 4 passengers (children) in the car at the time of the accident. One was injured quite badly (the centre seat in the rear had a lap-strap only, his head went down between his knees and he suffered muscular and internal injuries. I understand he got (he needed) more money. The other 3 had cuts, bruises, a broken nose and a broken hand. They received compensation - but they were not made rich.


My son was one of the passengers and the thing that really annoyed me was that the other party's insurers quibbled over a few quid. The insurer required my son to have a further medical examination carried out by a consultant. I don't know how much the consultant charged, but the travel costs alone were probably more than the difference between the amount claimed and the amount offered - and bear in mind, the other party had admitted liability, so irrespective of the outcome the insurer was going to pay the costs.


Insurance companies don't give a damn! - They will waste money contesting claims (even when they know they are bound to lose.)


Perhaps it's the insurance companies - rather than the lawyers - who need to be 'reined in'.


Insurance companies have high costs because - in part, IMO - they waste money contesting claims. Not a problem for them - they pass the costs on to the policyholders.


It can work the other way. I live (during the winter) in a place where wearing helmets by motorcyclists is optional! (Morethan 75% of the motorcyclists I see on the roads are inadequately dressed. No helmets, no gloves, no boots, no leathers (tank tops and flip flops are 'dé rigeur') :hihi:


The insurance companies love that!


"If you have an accident and you are not wearing appropriate (full) protective equipment, it's your fault and we are not paying out." (I wear full PE at all times. If it's too hot to wear proper clothing, it's too hot to go out on the bike.)


I asked an insurance underwriter (off the record) why premiums here are so low and he said "Because we don't have to pay out. There are plenty of accidents, but the rider can usually be held to have been at least partly liable, so we don't pay."


I said: "I wear full PE at all times." He said "I hate you!":hihi:


They don't pay out much to motorcyclists (overall) so I still get a very cheap premium.

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Insurers wouldn't pay out without you having medical examination and as you've said you have no injuries no ethical dotor will invent them. If you go along the lines of these scam companies the cost in the unlikely event of you succeeding would be paid by everybody in higher insurance premiums. Also if you lose you would have to pay solicitor and worst case scenario it could be called perverting the course of justice

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