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Has anyone claimed for injury in a car crash?

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lA few weeks ago I was driving down Tyler st and I had to stop for a ignorant driver parked on the double yellow lines sat waiting to pick someone up from the station,when all of a sudden a motor cycle smashed into the back of my 4+4 at speed bouncing off of me and hitting a car on the other side of the road, the lad was left laying in the road seriously injured I did my bit and rang the ambulance and stayed with him until they took him away, I gave all my information and details to the police and thought that was it,there was some damage to my car but not that bad, the next morning my phone rang it was some company asking about the accident talking about compensation and whiplash and things I said no thanks there's nothing wrong with me and my insurance company will be dealing with my car,so I put the phone down as soon as I put the phone down it rang again same thing happened about 6 times that morning where do these people get the information from they were ringing me before I had even rang my insurance company,I gave into there pressure and gave one of them the go a head to act on my behalf promising me that I would be in line for a descent compensation pay out,I feel a bit of a rotter but every body seems to be at it at the moment so why not, they are on with it at the moment so I will see what happens

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I have them knock on the door now. The most recent one insisted that I must have got a valid claim because he'd seen a small dent in the bumper of my car. After I explained that I had not had an accident in my car and that the dent was done whilst parked elsewhere and I didn't see it happen, he asked if I was covering up some bad driving skills :o, cheeky so and so. He simply couldn't believe that I had not had any accidents or injuries and seeing as he didn't want to shift off of my doorstep, I told him if he didn't go away I could create an accident for him :hihi:, he soon went.


There are too many quick cash scams about and it should be made harder to claim compensation, obviously for those who are genuine, doctors tests etc shouldn't be a problem.

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The no win no fee was a good idea but like all good "free" things it gets abused and quite honestly i cannot see that it would be a great loss if it was dropped i think Solicitors being what they are if they get a case what is virtually 100% winner they would take it on. This no win no fee is exactly that! they don't take them on unless they are 99.9% that they win it

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Insurers wouldn't pay out without you having medical examination and as you've said you have no injuries no ethical dotor will invent them. If you go along the lines of these scam companies the cost in the unlikely event of you succeeding would be paid by everybody in higher insurance premiums. Also if you lose you would have to pay solicitor and worst case scenario it could be called perverting the course of justice


In November 2009 we were hit whilst stationery at an M1 roundabout when another vehicle accelerated into us, the impact was so severe that as you can see from the attached photo the centre radio console an air vent and a headlamp bulb became dislodged.


Liability was immediately accepted by the other sides insurer




I suffered severe neck whiplash, injury to my shoulder, injury to lower back, very loud Tinnitus and hearing loss. my feet are numb with the numbness steadily travelling up my legs.


I've already had surgery on my shoulder and later this month I go for an MRI scan on my lower back


My wife who was leaning foreward to read the Motorway sign was thrown back so hard that her spectacles were found on the rear seat of our car.


Our insurance sent us to their own medical examiner who got everything wrong as by now according to him all of my problems would have cleared up.


They offerd with in months £3000 to my wife for whiplash and £4000 to me, obvioudly £3k for whiplash and £1k all the other problems, this was based on the report given by the so called medical examiner.


My advice is pay yourself for an independent examination if you're not happy with the insurance companys examiner, the impression I've formed is that the medical examiners get a nice little earner from the insurance companys who like to have everything tied up and settled ASAP.

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