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Anyone tried CafeDotNet in Hillsborough?


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I have seen the jigsaws and they are most attractive.I hope you are a success but neither party seems to have conducted any market research into their respective projects.At least you dont microwave the smoked salmon-a bit of a faux pas and unlikely to win A Dunlop star,let alone Michelin.You need to get the three empty shops in Dixon Road tenanted.It looks like a set from "Life on Mars".


I pass these often, and I agree they really add nothing to the area! Even if the owners don't use them commercially, you'd think there would be some use for them? Dixon Road and surrounds is a really nice part of Hillsborough, and I'd hate to see more shops in the same state.


I've bought a couple of gifts from Truly Scrumptious, I've noticed they have Downton Abbey jigsaws in the window. I know someone who'd love one of those for Christmas! I have to say the new cafe is looking good, but they are quite different.

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Would have thought there's quite a bit of cafe trade in that area, being in the vicinity of the library, bowls club and the park etc.


Not sure about the internet cafe idea - most of those seem to have closed down over the past 10 years since their boom time.


Shame neither Truely Scrumtious or CafeDotNet open in the evenings - with all the commuters who live in the area I would have thought an evening continental-style cafe/bar would have as big a trade as the ladies-that-lunch custom.


Dan, we are opening late nights Wednesday and Thursday till 7pm up to Christmas to give commuters a chance to pop in particularly to do some Christmas shopping, this means being here almost 11 hours on those two days as I am basically a one man operation so would be difficult to continue throughout the year. My intention was to bring a bit of a continental style to Hillsborough but until the demand picks up it's a catch 22 situation we can't employ anyone until we have more customers and so can't open later to attract new customers until we have more staff. Any suggestions welcome.


Look forward to seeing you in soon.

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I dont think being opposite the scrumptious cafe is a problem because this place doesnt sell sandwiches?! ...just coffee and cakes.. I went in with my little girl and found it very strange we couldnt buy lunch in a cafe - seems a huge gap in their business opportunity to not make some simple sandwiches and toasties in what otherwise seems a nice attractive place :hihi:


We never intended to be a "cafe" we are essentially a coffee shop that also sells gifts. We don't have a kitchen on site to make the kind of sandwiches I would want to offer although we can do toasted tea-cakes, crumpets and now soup. However I think to try and do more would detract from the other things we offer, I don't want anyone to buy an East of India gift only to find when they get it home it smells of bacon etc., I think there is enough choice in Hillsborough of these type of places and wanted to bring something a little bit different to the area.

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Dan, we are opening late nights Wednesday and Thursday till 7pm up to Christmas to give commuters a chance to pop in particularly to do some Christmas shopping, this means being here almost 11 hours on those two days as I am basically a one man operation so would be difficult to continue throughout the year. My intention was to bring a bit of a continental style to Hillsborough but until the demand picks up it's a catch 22 situation we can't employ anyone until we have more customers and so can't open later to attract new customers until we have more staff. Any suggestions welcome.


Look forward to seeing you in soon.



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  • 1 month later...

I went in this place before Christmas and to be honest won't be going again. The coffee was well below average and the bloke used a grotty dishcloth out of the sink to wipe down the pipe he heated the milk with! Yuk! There were bits of food all over the side behind the counter even though I was the only person in there so it wasn't as though they were rushed off their feet. I had some sort of soup but it was a bit wishy washy and tasteless. The main problem though is the smell, the whole place stinks of stale grease and that transfers onto your clothes when you're in there, my coat needed dry cleaning to get rid of it! Maybe if the kitchen wasn't in the same room as the tables it would be better but it's too small for that. I know it's fairly new but the people there really don't seem to have a clue!

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Would have thought there's quite a bit of cafe trade in that area, being in the vicinity of the library, bowls club and the park etc.


Not sure about the internet cafe idea - most of those seem to have closed down over the past 10 years since their boom time.


Shame neither Truely Scrumtious or CafeDotNet open in the evenings - with all the commuters who live in the area I would have thought an evening continental-style cafe/bar would have as big a trade as the ladies-that-lunch custom.


The Riverside has started opening in the evening i think, also been told they have a licence for drinks not sure if its TYO or sold there.

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  • 1 year later...

Been in a couple of times since it changed hands, unfortunately not impressed .It's closed until the 6th Aug for refurbishment hopefully it was just teething problems and things will have improved once it's up and running again.

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