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What future for the young?

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I was talking with some young people today and was alarmed at their desolate view of their futures.


All but one of them is out of work in spite of good qualifications and the right attitude, and they are becoming increasingly cynical. All but one still live at home and can see no prospect of ever leaving, or doing the sorts of things that I took for granted at their age such as eventually owning a car and getting married.


They are good kids, who were promised a future and feel it has been taken away from them. The one's who haven't pretty much given up are seething with anger and resentment, and I fear for them.


They only see the situation as getting worse, much worse, in the long term.


At the time listening to them I couldn't think of anything realistic or reassuring to say, and I still can't. They're smart kids, and can smell bull**** a mile off. Help me out here, what could I have said to give them hope apart from platitudes like never give up?


Tell the spoilt brats that they're probably the luckiest generation in history and they should count their blessings and stop whining.


  1. There are no major wars going on, so they won't be forced to go to war like their grandparents' generation and possibly die on a battlefield in the middle of nowhere.
  2. The welfare state means that even if they don't want to work for a living they will still be able to maintain a reasonable standard of life.
  3. They have more leisure time than previous generations ever dreamed of.
  4. They have more access to technology (internet, mobiles , digital TV, video games) to fill all that leisure time.
  5. If they fall ill, the NHS will ensure they receive the best care available for free.
  6. Unlike people in say Africa, their life isn't a day to day struggle just to stay alive.
  7. So long as they learn how to manage their finances they will always have enough money for food and a roof over their heads.


Anna B's post is all too typical of the negative, pessimistic attitudes in society these days. We in the modern western world all too quickly forget just how lucky we are!

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This is one subject that grates on me, with the state society today.

To be honest if I had not of already had my kids .

And was thinking of trying for one now I would of no way done it with things how they are now.


Not unless things got better, their is not a lot in life for kids now.

The world is a very negative place and kids are blamed for a lot of crimes.

So apart from a cell, lack of jobs, murder , war and negativity I don't believe there is much.

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