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What Is It With Supermarkets?

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In my quest to fill my cupboards, I often nip down to the supermarket. I have no preference, usually flitting my shopping trips between the major players in Sheffield. The supermarkets are all different in their own way, but I have noticed one common factor, they seem to drain the brain power of the average shopper.


I mean, shoppers seem to lose the ability to think logically, lose any concept of spacial awareness, become ignorant and most of all, seem to be switched off to what is around them. Examples of which, people holding impromptu reunions in the middle of aisle and expecting everyone else to either wait or take an alternative aisle. People who leave their trolley in the middle of aisle whilst they go off exploring. People that push their trolley into you and those that do their very best to block you from reaching the produce you want.


Is this just me, or does anyone else experience this sort of thing?

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In my quest to fill my cupboards, I often nip down to the supermarket. I have no preference, usually flitting my shopping trips between the major players in Sheffield. The supermarkets are all different in their own way, but I have noticed one common factor, they seem to drain the brain power of the average shopper.


I mean, shoppers seem to lose the ability to think logically, lose any concept of spacial awareness, become ignorant and most of all, seem to be switched off to what is around them. Examples of which, people holding impromptu reunions in the middle of aisle and expecting everyone else to either wait or take an alternative aisle. People who leave their trolley in the middle of aisle whilst they go off exploring. People that push their trolley into you and those that do their very best to block you from reaching the produce you want.


Is this just me, or does anyone else experience this sort of thing?


You're not alone. :roll: I prefer to shop armed with a list, and usually my mission is to get what I need and get out as quickly as possible. I just don't see a trip to Morrisons or Lidl or even Waitrose (on my very occasional visits ;)) as a social event. I'd much rather sit down with friends over coffee than stand next to the lard aisle having a natter.

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Waitrose is the worst, although better for not having many kids or fatties running around. You get snobs who have no idea how to interact or any idea of common courtesy. They stand in front of the section of the shelves you want to get to and when you politely wait behind them they stare at you as if they've never seen a person in a hoody before.

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You're not alone!

The leaving trolly in middle of aisle/chatting in middle of aisle are the most irritating IMO. I don't hald get some looks when I dare to move someone else's trolly out of the way! :hihi:


Yes, if looks could kill. I devised a new way of getting back at these inconsiderate fools. It beats getting angry :)


no its not just you We get it happening to us as well if we can we go as late as possible on a friday night to do our shop when it tends to be quieter or really early on saturday morning


I tend to shop on the way back from work, that way I kill two birds with one stone.


You're not alone. :roll: I prefer to shop armed with a list, and usually my mission is to get what I need and get out as quickly as possible. I just don't see a trip to Morrisons or Lidl or even Waitrose (on my very occasional visits ;)) as a social event. I'd much rather sit down with friends over coffee than stand next to the lard aisle having a natter.


Me too. Maybe I should organise a SF supermarket shopping meet ;)


Easy solution - shop online and have it delivered.


Admittedly, online shopping has crossed my mind, but I do like to have a look at what I am buying and/or the alternatives.

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yes supermarket shopping is so tedious, and then when you've had enough you have to bear the waiting at the checkout which can take ages.

there are a lot of sulky people around because most people would rather be doing something else.

i'm normally quite placcid but i can be impatiant and irratable when shopping ,but the person i get most annoyed with is myself for not being more organised and doing the shopping at a less busy part of the day.

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