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What Is It With Supermarkets?

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Waitrose is the worst, although better for not having many kids or fatties running around. You get snobs who have no idea how to interact or any idea of common courtesy. They stand in front of the section of the shelves you want to get to and when you politely wait behind them they stare at you as if they've never seen a person in a hoody before.


You couldn't make it up. :hihi:

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You're not alone-some people just seem not to realise it's actually open to the public.

My favourite is holding the trolley at arms length behind them whilst looking at something on the other side of the aisle-not good.


Funny thing is we sometimes go shopping with 3 children (granted one is in the trolly seat) and I'm forever saying 'on this side kids so people can get pass' teaching them to think about others.


Then sometimes I think why should I when further down there's a man and women stood about 2 foot away from whatever they're looking at with the trolley behind leaving no room at all.

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It's those who go shopping together that get me. Two people, both with a trolley, insist on walking side by side chatting, up and down every single aisle. Fine, go together but either use one trolley and separate or walk one behind the other! Or better still go and get on with your shopping and then meet up when you've finished in the cafe or something!


Or it's those that use the quick self service points with a half full trolley :rolleyes:.


It's pretty inevitable that you will get in the way of someone at some point, some manners wouldn't go amiss!

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For my wife and I the most aggravating thing about going to supermarkets is coming out afterwards making your way back to the car only to see some idle git has emptied their trolley and left it parked up against your car or in an empty space next to your car when the trolley bay is close by.


In the supermarkets themselves the thing that gets right up my nose is shelves being empty and having not been filled prior to the store opening, assistants blocking isle's with roller cages making it difficult to pass.

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