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How am I supposed to buy food & heating tokens with only £14.25 a week?

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The only advice I have is the same as the rest- ditch the luxuries!

Thankfully I have a secure full time job, but if in the situation where money was tight that's the only option!

I'm due to have a baby in a few weeks and when I go back to work will return on part-time hours. As the household income will be less, we have already started to cut our spending, for example we have sold 1 of the cars and now have 1 car that we share (can't get rid if both as I need access to a car when I return to work!)


You just need to re-look at your spread sheet and get tough- removing the items that arnt a necessity!

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get some cash in hand work to tide you over until you can find a "proper job" just remember not to tell anyone that your doing this .remember were all in this together and your just doing your bit in avoiding tax ( the rich do it and to some on here thats ok ) oh and if your anygood at plumbing i need a radiator fitting :hihi:

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Just stop enjoying yourself ,don the sack cloth and ashes and isolate yourself from life,you dont deserve it....At least I think this is what the fools on here are trying to say.Instead of making this poor sod the guilty party why dont you all identify the real culprits in the system that cause this,I daresay they dont live on £60 a week..waits for the "well I work for minimum wage and...."....whose fault is that ?

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The answer to the OP is simple. You can't run a house on JSA.


The cretins who don't want to work and who live in a household of equally non-workers are okay because they have more money to go round. Also the kids who live with their parents use it as disposable income.


Sorry mate. Being unemployed and surviving on JSA running a house is extremely stressful. Ignore these lot, or set a challenge to them to see if they can do it for two months

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