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Lost my poppy, can I take another?

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I'm sure that my friends won't be concerned that I've only donated twice and that I asked what the correct etiquette for getting a 3rd replacement bit of paper and plastic with a value of around 1p was, I doubt they'd expect me to donate for a 3rd time either.

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I donated 2 quid for one at Glasgow Queen Street train station.By the time i got to Edinbrough Waverley station it was gone.I purchased another one there,(2 quid)again.

I did not want to lose this one,so on my way to Sheffield station i worked out it's best to actually pierce through the poppy stem with pin,then pin it through the inside of my suit-top pocket. It remained in place after some heavy drinking and larking about.


Here's an idea for Cyclone...Pin 10 crispy 20 quid notes to your poppy! I'm sure you would not lose it then..Get mugged maybe.haha!

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