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Make money online ? The hidden youtube secret

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do you have a youtube account ?


did you know it can make you money ?


I my self have over 8 youtube channels and they generate upto and over £30 a day with no out lay or cost to me.


heres how


set up a youtube channel -upload and make your own movies or videos

once your views start to ruise.


apply for the youtube Partner Programme once you are accepted most are .


you can then make money on your uploads with adsense



its that easy google place small adverts on your videos and you get paid per click on those add,s anything from 50p per click the more videos you add the more add,s the more clicks = more money to you

you have a adsense page that shows how much is made and you are paid by cheque at the end of each month or when your earnings reach £100


it realy is that easy ..

heres one of my channels http://www.youtube.com/user/bobynobins?feature=mhee

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Yes this is a nice little earner, although I'm not quite making £30 per day! What niches are you in? I bet they're pretty competitive at 50p per click.


I only have one channel but am surprised at how quickly the subscribers and views have grown. YouTube offered me to join their partner program about 2 months ago.


I would definitely recommend anyone who has any knowledge or some form of entertainment to offer people to set up a channel and let the world know. Even if it just helps to pay the bills each month it's very little work since you'll most likely enjoy creating the videos anyway and the traffic tends to snowball once you get a few subscribers and watches.

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yes there is a tiny little [x] to close the adds but the chance of hiting it with out opening the add is 50./50 people dont even have to buy from the sites just view for 1 sec and it counts as a click lol .


it realy is money for nothing and the more popular your video is the more companys pat to place a add on it = more per click for the owner . it is more per click but it is devided up between you and google adsense .


heres a copy past from my adsense account . you can have loads of site,s -forums-youtubes and link to only one adsense account simmples


Today so far




This month so far


Last month

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Yes this is a nice little earner, although I'm not quite making £30 per day! What niches are you in? I bet they're pretty competitive at 50p per click.


not all are 50p per click some are as little as 2p but with hundreds of videos on my tubes it all builds up ...


tip,s add as many friends as you can and post bulletin at the top left .if you have 200 friends thats over 100 views there alone then subscribers add as many ass possible = more views and shares .


then to realy get views make sure your movie has a great thumb nail most will click for the thumbnail alone ....


also troll VEVO channels such as RihannaVEVO

then in the comments box under the videos click to Create a video response .. and post one of your videos these pages get millions of views so lots may click on your video response


how to clips do realy well so if you have skills in something make a short how to video such as


and as you just seen me do post your links to other sites forums or fb ect so it gets even more views . hope this helps

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do you have a youtube account ?


did you know it can make you money ?


I my self have over 8 youtube channels and they generate upto and over £30 a day with no out lay or cost to me.


heres how



I understand the logic in what you explain about having loads of sites, forums and of course You tube. However, why 8 tube channels? Why not upload all your vid clips on to the same you tube channel?

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I understand the logic in what you explain about having loads of sites, forums and of course You tube. However, why 8 tube channels? Why not upload all your vid clips on to the same you tube channel?


good point but found if I get another tube running with a diffrent look theme background and 100 videos and once it is getting around 1000 views a day I can let it self run ....


have done this my self wilst searching youtube and land on a tube I have seen once that I dont bother to view all its videos ... also I share out some of the same videos throughtout these tubes and change titles/descriptions/and tags that way the same person may see the same video in a search and not know it lol..


there is method in my madness as its paying off

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50p per click? :wow:


you seem to have a lot to do with pet rescue ? by your sig links.


do you have a youtube based around the same pet.s ect would get loads of views . name the tube channel after the rescue centre and ask ppl who view each video to take the time to click a add and tell them it generates money for the animals in the videos ?


all those cute animals to hand along with a dig camera = income ..if you need help setting one up feel free to ask

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ask ppl who view each video to take the time to click a add and tell them it generates money for the animals in the videos ?


Careful, if it's anything like Adsense, asking people to click on your ads is against the TOCs.

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