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Great news, Halal and Kosher to be banned by the Dutch

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I am against the rearing of meat at the expense of the starving millions and the inhumane farming methods used. I abhore live animal exports. If it's properly reared, I don't have a problem but that would make it prohibitavely expensive to most people.


Doesn't have to be. We just bought half a lamb for £50 from the local sheepfarmer who keeps a lot of his flock in the fields behind us. They have a brief life admittedly but huge ammounts of room and a completely natural life. The only food miles were about 10 for the round trip to the abettoir. Had a half shoulder for sunday lunch and as always its delicious.


If more people bought well reared local meat rather than having it shipped from all over the world it would be better.

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  • 4 years later...

Rather than start a new thread on Shechita and Halal I have resurrected this old post to stake my case.


I have worked in a slaughterhouse, I have also shot and eaten many animals, but I still consider myself to be an animal lover.


But to-day I was shown a video clip that made me feel queasy, and very angry as well to say the least.


As this is a family forum I will NOT describe it in any way, neither will I post a link to it here, other than say it was inhumane and barbaric.


And yes, it was Shechita and Halal performing the atrocity's.


Both of these barbaric methods of animal despatch should be banned as from to-day, they have no right to be conducted in this Country. They are an abomination, a throw back to medieval times.



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Commenting and demanding a ban on a process which will you choose not to describe nor post any links to sees a little pointless.


I daresay that if you took an average man off the street into ANY meat processing plant, battery farm or slaughterhouse they would scream exactly the same thing.


Conveyor belt killing of any living creature for the purposes of consumption can be described as barbaric and inhumane not just the halal method but this is the price we pay for our mass consumption of food without generally giving a flying fig where it comes from.


I appreciate that there are plenty out there who will look for free range, organic, non halal no kosher etc etc.. BUT, whenever companies still sell food products for pennies and religions still exist nothing is going ot change that.


Ban one and you will have to ban them all.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Mmmm. I have read each and every post carefully. My Muslim friends eat Prawns they are from a country with a long coastline and eat all shell fish.

People who live near the coast in most countries eat the food produce of the sea and most people who live in landlocked countries or countries with a large land mass and little coastline eat mostly freshwater fish. Judaism and the Muslim religion originate in an area of the world that has high temperatures where bacteria multiplies rapidly and meat goes off very quickly Pork goes bad in a matter of minutes rather than hours if not kept cold. In countries that have high temperatures where it is consumed it is killed and cooked immediately the fire having been prepared in advance. It seems obvious that the ritual killing of animals was originally a health related practice as is washing of the hands and body.

There seems to be no reasonable argument for killing by slitting an animals throat and allowing it to slowly die. The argument of the papercut is fatuous anyone who has been deeplycut by paper will tell you that it hurts when it dissects a nerve. Unless the spinal cord is severed and the head separated from the body the animal will be in pain. Would you choose to die slowly in pain or quickly.

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Ritual slaughter still continues in the Netherlands.

The law of 2011 was overturned by their Senate in 2012 and a memorandum of minimum standards was agreed with the two religious bodies.


The country continues to work to reduce the opportunities for inhumane slaughter and has just moved to ban the export of ritually slaughtered meat (not that there is very much of it).

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This liberal attitude towards Islam will continue the evils that people do in its name. It is up to Muslims to reform their medieval religion and in the meantime the rest of society should do nothing that allows its barbarism an inch of space to propogate the acceptance of it by a naive society that has no concept of the terrible things that it normalises.


Jukes x

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Ritual slaughter still continues in the Netherlands.

The law of 2011 was overturned by their Senate in 2012 and a memorandum of minimum standards was agreed with the two religious bodies.


The country continues to work to reduce the opportunities for inhumane slaughter and has just moved to ban the export of ritually slaughtered meat (not that there is very much of it).


Correct, there are countries where it is banned though.

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This liberal attitude towards Islam will continue the evils that people do in its name. It is up to Muslims to reform their medieval religion and in the meantime the rest of society should do nothing that allows its barbarism an inch of space to propogate the acceptance of it by a naive society that has no concept of the terrible things that it normalises.


Jukes x


which right wing troll were you before may?

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According to this




Synonyms for "Humane" are:-


merciful, kind, kindly, kindhearted, tender, compassionate, gentle, sympathetic; benevolent, benignant, charitable.


None of which seem apt when killing anything, wether you say a prayer afterwards or not.


However killing things and eating them is what the majority of us do, and I think the method of "dispatch" is mostly irrelevant (In this country anyway).

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