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Great news, Halal and Kosher to be banned by the Dutch

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which right wing troll were you before may?


I'm the atheist bisexual mixed race woman of a Muslim father and a Catholic mother who stood for Labour in the recent elections and is to suffer arrest and the death penalty if I return to my father's homeland or visit a country who will arrest me and send me there. I have a three cousins of 3 8 and 12 who died with my aunt at the hand of ISIL, twelve more family members missing and an uncle who is radicalised and prepared to travel to fight.


Who are you?


Jukes x

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Anyone for some horsemeat?


Yes, that would be lovely.


Very lean, healthier and more rich tasting than other red meats.


Wish it was more widely available and less stigmatised.


As with many things, its only our own weak, buried head attitude to the sources of food and processing of food that stops us.


We have this complete hypocrisy of lapping up daily truck loads of bargain basement priced and huge portioned products but don't want to hear about how such things are made so cheaply.


We protest about inhumane methods, animal welfare, barbaric production but are not so happy to put our hands in our pocket at the till and pay for hand reared, free range, organically sourced blah blah. NO, instead we seem quite happy to live in ignorant bliss - as long as it come in a nice box or packet from Sainsburys we can happily ignore the nasty parts between farm and shop shelf.


Let stop being so silly about things. Its all irrelevant.


Dead animal = meat = food.


We are currently at the top of the food chain. We choose to kill another living creature and consume it. That is as barbaric as it comes. End of story. We cant start having some self gauged method of the what level of barbaric it is. Killing is killing.


There are some countries in the world who food bread and mass consume cute ickle bunny rabbits, horses, insects, dogs, cats. Society eats kangaroo, shark, deer, buffalo and birds.


One cultures protected species or pets is another cultures dinner.


We need to stop being so soft.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I'm not squeamish about posting videos about animal slaughter.


These are not for the faint hearted.


Have a look at what faces baby chicks from day one.


Or this one from the USA where



Why aren't those people complaining about Halal and Kosher slaughter methods venting the same amount of faux passion against the chicken trade?


Sad but necessary to feed an over populated country.

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How is it necessary to be institutionally cruel to our fellow travellers on this planet? :huh:


Because there are too many people wanting too much food at a cheap price, fewer humans would make it easier to produce our food in a kinder way.

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Because there are too many people wanting too much food at a cheap price, fewer humans would make it easier to produce our food in a kinder way.


Absolute nonsense.


There are many ways of ensuring we can feed the world without unnecessary cruelty to animals.


However, you haven't answered the question as to why you feel it's ok to show compassion to animals slaughtered by Halal & Kosher methods but not towards those slaughtered by other methods?

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Absolute nonsense.


There are many ways of ensuring we can feed the world without unnecessary cruelty to animals.


However, you haven't answered the question as to why you feel it's ok to show compassion to animals slaughtered by Halal & Kosher methods but not towards those slaughtered by other methods?


The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), which advised the government on how to avoid cruelty to livestock, said in 2003 the way Kosher and Halal meat is produced causes severe suffering to animals.


The FAWC does not say the same of other forms of slaughter. This is the difference.


The RSPCA also called for both Kosher and none-stunned Halal slaughter should be banned.


Arguing that because death is the end product of all forms of slaughter so it doesnt matter how an animal dies, is ignorant to the suffering of animals.

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