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Great news, Halal and Kosher to be banned by the Dutch

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You seem to be attributing all sorts of things to me. I campaign for the welfare of all animals unlike some who pick and choose their campaigns based on prejudice.


Are you saying that my concerns with both Kosher and Halal is based on prejudice?

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Be nice if there was so much concern for how an animal lives before it is slaughtered. Not the phoney sympathy for how they died.


You have to start somewhere. You change the world one step at a time. Too many people (like you) will say there is a bigger issue and use this as an excuse. It's a lazy way to do nothing while appearing to have concern.

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You have to start somewhere. You change the world one step at a time. Too many people (like you) will say there is a bigger issue and use this as an excuse. It's a lazy way to do nothing while appearing to have concern.


You do have to start somewhere. Why start at the end?

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Are you saying that my concerns with both Kosher and Halal is based on prejudice?


There you go again, trying to put words in my mouth.


My argument is that there are many people who complain about Halal and Kosher (H & K) methods who are silent on other animal welfare issues. I realise that this is a generalisation but 9 times out of 10 people who post complaining about H & K are those, on other threads, complaining about anything Islamic.


I campaign on all animal welfare issues and do not restrict myself to ideologically based issues. I just wish that those who complain about H & K would devote as much time and effort to other cruelty issues.

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My argument is that there are many people who complain about Halal and Kosher (H & K) methods who are silent on other animal welfare issues. I realise that this is a generalisation but 9 times out of 10 people who post complaining about H & K are those, on other threads, complaining about anything Islamic.


You are connecting things that are not necessarily connected other than in your own opinion. Just because a person dislikes Islam, that doesn't mean their dislike for Kosher and Halal slaughter is suddenly invalid. Infact you are showing an intolerance of peoples opinions based purely on your disagreement with them on another subject.


A point of view is not validated by the person who makes it. Not wishing to enact Godwin's law but Hitler being the renowned **** he was, supported the banning of Fox hunting. His opinion on fox hunting is no less valid than anyone elses.

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You are connecting things that are not necessarily connected other than in your own opinion. Just because a person dislikes Islam, that doesn't mean their dislike for Kosher and Halal slaughter is suddenly invalid. Infact you are showing an intolerance of peoples opinions based purely on your disagreement with them on another subject.


A point of view is not validated by the person who makes it. Not wishing to enact Godwin's law but Hitler being the renowned **** he was, supported the banning of Fox hunting. His opinion on fox hunting is no less valid than anyone elses.


True but you miss the point.


If the only animal welfare issue someone is concerned with is Halal meat, then it indicates an ulterior motive.

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