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Great news, Halal and Kosher to be banned by the Dutch

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True but you miss the point.


If the only animal welfare issue someone is concerned with is Halal meat, then it indicates an ulterior motive.



One can agree with the death penalty for some crimes but disagree on the method of execution e.g. hanging, stoning, lethal drugs.

Hunting with bow and arrows is illegal in this country as is hunting with dogs but not hunting and shooting with a gun.


One can agree that an operation is preferable to bearing a condition but disagree on anesthesia or even if it is necessary.

One can argue that one method is better than another for many reasons efficiancy, effectiveness, morality.


Morality is mostly about what is thought to be best for society.


Religion is mostly to do with the regulation of society : Halal is do do with food safety regulation. In a society where dirt and heat dominate it was necessary to have some way of reducing the risk of bacterial contamination. In this country we have slaughter houses and food safety regulations for the same reasons. Refrigeration has changed society beyond recognition to medieval societies all over the world. Air conditioning has taken over from the Punka Walla.

Catholics have changed their attitude to not working and church going on Sundays, fish on Fridays and birth control.

I disagree with Halal but would not dream of serving pork or non Halal to my Muslim friends because I can empathise with their feelings. So I often serve fish, eggs, cheese, for protein

Muslims will eventually change the Halal rules, given the opportunity to reasoned debate.


The problem with most religions is that they dictate rules without reason.

The most important question in the world is, WHY? the next one is can we do it a better way? :)

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  • 5 weeks later...
True but you miss the point.


If the only animal welfare issue someone is concerned with is Halal meat, then it indicates an ulterior motive.



I contacted my MP over the abhorrent practice of Halal and Shechita slaughter.


On receipt of a reply from my MP, it seems she is aware of this practice and is currently awaiting a reply herself, having contacted DEFRA over the problem.



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