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Great news, Halal and Kosher to be banned by the Dutch

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I would have thought the simplest answer to this, to appease all trains of thought (except most vegetarians) would be to render the animal unconscious first ... maybe with a dart gun or how a vet would anaesthetise your pet before operating on it?

After that, you could kill the animal however you wanted with no suffering to it whatsoever. Surely, no one could argue with that?


I'm not expert, but couldn't that leave trace amounts of anasthetic in the meat from the animal? It would be a lot more expensive too.

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In public institutions such as hospitals, prisons and schools it seems to be gradually becoming the standard, purely to eliminate all the hassle of storing Halal and non-Halal seperately.


Also in commercial operations, such as Nandos, Wembley Stadium etc. This is what I oppose. I don't think it should be banned because I believe Muslims and Jews have the right to religious freedom so must be able to purchase Halal and Kosher meats, but it should not become the default meat option in order that the rest of us adhere to religious standards to suit minorities.

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Ritual slaughter belongs in the Middle Ages along with all religious texts, Christian or otherwise. Breeding animals in lousy conditions for profit, to kill and eat, is just wrong.


I agree, however, removing that choice from people is also wrong. Forcing someone to become vegetarian or support a black market in ritually slaughtered meat is not the way forward. The solution, in my view, would be to adapt the religion to accept modern slaughter methods with associated prayer/mumbo jumbo* remaining intact.


* delete as appropriate

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Also in commercial operations, such as Nandos, Wembley Stadium etc. This is what I oppose. I don't think it should be banned because I believe Muslims and Jews have the right to religious freedom so must be able to purchase Halal and Kosher meats, but it should not become the default meat option in order that the rest of us adhere to religious standards to suit minorities.


Or they could allow people the choice by advertising that the meat is i.e. Halal

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I agree, however, removing that choice from people is also wrong. Forcing someone to become vegetarian or support a black market in ritually slaughtered meat is not the way forward. The solution, in my view, would be to adapt the religion to accept modern slaughter methods with associated prayer/mumbo jumbo* remaining intact.


* delete as appropriate

No, can't do that - it would be penalising a minorit by asking them to sway to majority requirements.

Heaven forbid that we should ever fail to comply with every last whim of every small minority.

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In public institutions such as hospitals, prisons and schools it seems to be gradually becoming the standard, purely to eliminate all the hassle of storing Halal and non-Halal seperately.


I could understand the logic in a food outlet which concentrated on one meat source (eg KFC) going all Halal, to avoid any risk of confusion and to manage costs. However, in the case of public institutions, which would be looking to provide a wide range of foods, I would have thought that totally excluding pork products would restrict what they offer, and wouldn't go down well with a lot of "customers".

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No, can't do that - it would be penalising a minorit by asking them to sway to majority requirements.

Heaven forbid that we should ever fail to comply with every last whim of every small minority.


I demand feminist slaughered meat. That is the brutal slaying of all male animals, more humane methods to female ones, whilst Valerie Solanas's SCUM manifesto is read aloud.

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No, can't do that - it would be penalising a minorit by asking them to sway to majority requirements.

Heaven forbid that we should ever fail to comply with every last whim of every small minority.


I don't think they must view them as a minority, instead they see the bigger picture worldwide and fear the repercussions from the majority.

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I don't think they must view them as a minority, instead they see the bigger picture worldwide and fear the repercussions from the majority.
Muslims worldwide are still a minority.


What do you mean by repurcussions - suicide bombings of non-Halal fast food joints?

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I could understand the logic in a food outlet which concentrated on one meat source (eg KFC) going all Halal, to avoid any risk of confusion and to manage costs. However, in the case of public institutions, which would be looking to provide a wide range of foods, I would have thought that totally excluding pork products would restrict what they offer, and wouldn't go down well with a lot of "customers".


I'm sure that half of the time, meat which is branded 'halal' is in fact 'haram'. I have a friend who has a mutual friend who is Muslim. When she comes to my place for lunch/dinner I serve vegetarian food, however, I know that my friend serves ordinary meat and just tell her that it's halal. I bet you anything that this also happens in food outlets and restaurants.

Edited by Suffragette1
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