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Either we have a ghost or I'm losing my marbles..

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Well, not just me. It turns out it's the missus as well.


Quite a while ago i was falling asleep and i felt, what i thought was our cat jump on the bed, walk around for a few seconds and start kneading the bed before settling down to sleep. I went to stroke the cat but there was nothing there. I put it down to me being half asleep and forgot about it.


Yesterday, i went up to grab an hours sleep. After a couple of minutes i felt the same thing again. I could feel the mattress compress very slightly as what felt like the cat slowly walked up the bed. Once again there was nothing there. I decided to ignore it as i thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me. The feeling carried on all way up the bed very slowly, until eventually it was on my pillow. At this point i could actually hear my pillow make a slight noise as if the cat was walking along it.


At no point did i feel worried/scared by any of this. As i am typing i am wondering why the heck i didn't feel the need to jump up and leg it but, i didn't feel anything at all.


I mentioned it last night and my better half agreed that there was something in the house. She pointed out to me the couple of times when, for no reason whatsoever, our cat has been terrified by 'something'. All his fur has stood on end, his belly hits the floor and he hides in the tightest corner he can find. He simply refuses to go in to the hallway when this happens.


So. Either we are sharing our house with an 'entity' of some kind or i am losing the plot.


Has anyone had stuff like this happen to them before?

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Something similar happened to me nearly 30 years ago. I shared a house with 7 rooms. I was in bed at midnight, half-asleep with my back to the door. My door opened and dragged on the carpet. I heard 4 or 5 steps into the room. A few seconds later the door again dragged back on the carpet but was left open. I heard no more footsteps after the first few coming in i.e. none going out, on the landing or going downstairs or into any other rooms, or other doors opening or being closed.


After a minute or two I came round and wondered who'd been in my room. I went out and knocked on all the other doors but everyone was in bed and all the lights were off. When I realised that it couldn't have been anyone else and that I only heard steps into the room and not back out again and that my door had definitely been opened and left open I decided to get a sleeping bag and sleep on someone else's floor that night. I know it happened but it was never explained. Spooky. I don't necessarily believe in ghosts but that incident was strange.

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Hypnogogic hallucinations. It's perfectly normal.


Very interesting indeed.


Another type of hallucination that is sometimes reported at the onset of sleep involves elementary cenesthopathic feelings (such as experiencing picking, rubbing, or light touching), changes in location of body parts (such as an arm or a leg), or feelings of levitation or extracorporeal experiences (like moving the body in space or floating above the bed) that may be quite elaborate.


Taken from this website


It sounds like you are right Halibut. The only difference being that last night i was definitely not dropping off to sleep. I was wide awake.

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Something similar happened to me nearly 30 years ago. I shared a house with 7 rooms. I was in bed at midnight, half-asleep with my back to the door. My door opened and dragged on the carpet. I heard 4 or 5 steps into the room. A few seconds later the door again dragged back on the carpet but was left open. I heard no more footsteps after the first few coming in i.e. none going out, on the landing or going downstairs or into any other rooms, or other doors opening or being closed.


After a minute or two I came round and wondered who'd been in my room. I went out and knocked on all the other doors but everyone was in bed and all the lights were off. When I realised that it couldn't have been anyone else and that I only heard steps into the room and not back out again and that my door had definitely been opened and left open I decided to get a sleeping bag and sleep on someone else's floor that night. I know it happened but it was never explained. Spooky. I don't necessarily believe in ghosts but that incident was strange.


It sounds like the same thing as me. The link in the post above has quite a lot of info on it. I never even knew such a thing existed yet, their survey of 5000 people found that 37% of them had encountered this at some point.

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We have it in our house, quite often it sounds like someone has come in and closed the door but when we leave the kitchen and walk into the dining room, there's no-one there. It's happened for many years. When I first moved here, I went upstairs one day to find the bath tap running, I hadn't turned it on. The radio was playing, I hadn't switched it on. My girls were really small so it wasn't them. I nicknamed him 'Walter'. I've never been frightened in this house, actually, I feel quite safe. I was once told, 'be more frightened of the living than the dead'. Last Christmas morning there was so much happy energy in our living room, my daughter says the 'circles' in our photos are orbs. Depends what you believe, just go with the flow.

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Very interesting indeed.




Taken from this website


It sounds like you are right Halibut. The only difference being that last night i was definitely not dropping off to sleep. I was wide awake.


With all due respect 0742, the very worst person to judge whether you're dropping off is yourself!

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Maybe you have a ghost cat in your house?


It's already been said that it might be our old cat. I'm thinking Halibut might have it spot on now. That doesn't answer why our cat seems to be terrified for no apparent reason at times though.

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